
Jaime Teitelman

Manager, Marketing Promotions at Disney Music Group

Jaime Teitelman Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jaime Teitelman Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Jaime Teitelman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jaime Teitelman

Jaime Teitelman is a Manager, Marketing Promotions at Disney Music Group based in Burbank, California. Previously, Jaime was a Marketing Coordinator at Westwood One. Jaime received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pennsylvania State University.

Jaime Teitelman Current Workplace

Disney Music Group

2008-present (17 years)

Disney Music Group is home to Walt Disney Records, Hollywood Records, Disney Music Publishing, Buena Vista Records, and Disney Concerts.

Jaime Teitelman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Marketing & Promotions Coordinator

Turner Entertainment


Marketing Coordinator

Westwood One




Bachelor of Arts

Pennsylvania State University

Org Chart - Disney Music Group

Jaime Teitelman

Manager, Marketing Promotions

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Interest in Jaime Teitelman's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaime Teitelman

What company does Jaime Teitelman work for?
Jaime Teitelman works for Disney Music Group as Manager, Marketing Promotions
What is Jaime Teitelman’s role in Disney Music Group?
Jaime Teitelman’s role in Disney Music Group is Manager, Marketing Promotions
What is Jaime Teitelman’s email address?
Jaime Teitelman’s email address is j***@disney.com
What is Jaime Teitelman’s business email address?
Jaime Teitelman’s business email address is j***@disney.com
What is Jaime Teitelman’s direct phone number?
Jaime Teitelman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jaime Teitelman’s latest job experience?
Jaime Teitelman’s latest job experience is Marketing & Promotions Coordinator at Turner Entertainment
What is Jaime Teitelman’s latest education?
Jaime Teitelman’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Pennsylvania State University
Which industry does Jaime Teitelman work in?
Jaime Teitelman works in the industry of Music & Music Related Services, Media & Internet.
Who are Jaime Teitelman’s colleagues?
Some of Jaime Teitelman’s colleagues are Mario Ceciliano, Roger Weeks, Meg Ross, Yolimar Dieppa.
How can I contact Jaime Teitelman?
Jaime Teitelman contact details: Email address: j***@disney.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jaime Teitelman?

Jaime Teitelman is a Manager, Marketing Promotions at Disney Music Group based in Burbank, California. Previously, Jaime was a Marketing Coordinator at Westwood One. Jaime received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pennsylvania State University....

Where is Jaime Teitelman based?
Jaime Teitelman works for Disney Music Group, located at United States