
Jaime Rangel

Manager, Quality Assurance at Amgen

Jaime Rangel Email & Phone number


(805) ***-****

Jaime Rangel Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Jaime Rangel

Jaime Rangel is a Manager, Quality Assurance at Amgen based in Thousand Oaks, California.

Jaime Rangel Current Workplace


2015-present (9 years)

Amgen harnesses the best of biology and technology to fight the worlds toughest diseases, and make peoples lives easier, fuller and longer. We helped establish the biotechnology industry, and we remain on the cutting-edge of innovation, using technology and human genetic data to push beyond whats known today. Our investment in research and development has yielded a robust pipeline that builds on our existing portfolio of medicines to treat cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, inflammatory diseases and rare diseases.

Org Chart - Amgen

Jaime Rangel

Manager, Quality Assurance

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaime Rangel

What company does Jaime Rangel work for?
Jaime Rangel works for Amgen as Manager, Quality Assurance
What is Jaime Rangel’s role in Amgen?
Jaime Rangel’s role in Amgen is Manager, Quality Assurance
What is Jaime Rangel’s email address?
Jaime Rangel’s email address is j***@amgen.com
What is Jaime Rangel’s business email address?
Jaime Rangel’s business email address is j***@amgen.com
What is Jaime Rangel’s direct phone number?
Jaime Rangel’s direct phone number is (805) ***-****
What is Jaime Rangel’s work phone number?
Jaime Rangel’s headquarters phone number is (805) 447-1000
Which industry does Jaime Rangel work in?
Jaime Rangel works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Jaime Rangel’s peers at other companies?
Jaime Rangel’s peers at other companies are Jasmine Francis, Maxwell Power, Cailey Bieker, Michelle Tullie, Amit Jaiswal.
Who are Jaime Rangel’s colleagues?
Some of Jaime Rangel’s colleagues are Marina Dykhne, Rick Kleidosty, Diane Latham, Erik Hendrix.
How can I contact Jaime Rangel?
Jaime Rangel contact details: Email address: j***@amgen.com Phone number: (805) ***-****
Who is Jaime Rangel?

Jaime Rangel is a Manager, Quality Assurance at Amgen based in Thousand Oaks, California....

Where is Jaime Rangel based?
Jaime Rangel works for Amgen, located at United States