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Last Update 10/5/2024 4:20 PM
About Jaideep Mukherji
Jaideep Mukherji is the Chief Executive Officer at Smart Power India based in Chakkarpur, Haryana. Previously, Jaideep was the Managing Director (Asia) at d.light design and also held positions at McCain Foods, Shaw Wallace. Jaideep received a Bachelor of Technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.Read moreSkills
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaideep Mukherji
Jaideep Mukherji is the Chief Executive Officer at Smart Power India based in Chakkarpur, Haryana. Previously, Jaideep was the Managing Director (Asia) at d.light design and also held positions at McCain Foods, Shaw Wallace. Jaideep received a Bachelor of Technology degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.... Read More