2021-present (3 years)
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Last Update 9/19/2024 5:04 AM
About Jacque Salomon
Jacque Salomon works as a President & Founder, Visionary at Seeds To Inspire Foundation, which is a Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations company with an estimated 4 employees. Their management level is C-Level. Found email listings include: @seedstoinspire.org.Read moreJacque Salomon Current Workplace
Seeds To Inspire Foundation
Seeds To Inspire Foundation is a Trauma-Informed, Grassroots, Social Justice, educational organization operating on the ancestral land of the Akimel O'odham and Piipaash people. Our mission is to dismantle health inequity through the Pillars of Lifes...
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The Rancher Advocacy Program Summit
Panelists will include Connie Spence of the Agriculture Fairness Alliance , a national advocacy organization lobbying for policies to make plant-based...Connecting The Dots - The Virsa Foundation Inc.
Our episode on "Health Equity in Healthcare and Racial Trauma Healing" features two guests: Marsha-Gail Davis, MD, MPH Young Director - American Colle...MEDIA RELEASE: Dr. Jane Goodall, Scientists and Interfaith Leaders Call on Charities To Stop Animal Gifting Programs
"Animal Gifting is the unconscious manifestation of slavery disguised as altruism," said Jacque Salomon of Seeds to Inspire Foundation .
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