Jaclene Domenick

Director, Marketing at Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates

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(***) ***-****

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Jaclene Domenick Work Experience Summary

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About Jaclene Domenick

Jaclene Domenick is a Director, Marketing at Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates based in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Previously, Jaclene was a Knowledge Manager, Industry Support Team at Willis Towers Watson and also held positions at Pittsburgh Pirates, Epiphany Water Solutions, Michael Hughes & Associates. Jaclene received a Liberal Arts degree from Duquesne University.Explore more

Jaclene Domenick Current Workplace

Securities and investment advisory services can only be solicited in the states where a financial professional is licensed and registered to do business in. Please inquire as to which states the financial professional is licensed and registered in before engaging in a business relationship. Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM), a Registered Investment Adviser. MAS and David A. Domenick or Capital A Wealth Management are not affiliated entities. AEWM and David A. Domenick or Capital A Wealth Management are not affiliated entities. Any media logos and/or trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners and no endorsement by those owners ofCapital A Wealth Management is stated or implied. Investment advisory services provided by Capital A Wealth management. AEWM and CapitaSee more

Jaclene Domenick Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Knowledge Manager, Industry Support Team

Willis Towers Watson


Sales, Pnc Park Events Coordinator

Pittsburgh Pirates


Service, Pnc Park Events Assistant

Pittsburgh Pirates


PNC Park Events Intern

Pittsburgh Pirates




Liberal Arts

Duquesne University

Org Chart - Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates


Director, Marketing




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jaclene Domenick

What company does Jaclene Domenick work for?
Jaclene Domenick works for Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates as Director, Marketing
What is Jaclene Domenick’s role in Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates?
Jaclene Domenick’s role in Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates is Director, Marketing
What is Jaclene Domenick’s direct phone number?
Jaclene Domenick’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jaclene Domenick’s work phone number?
Jaclene Domenick’s headquarters phone number is (724) 658-4211
What is Jaclene Domenick’s latest job experience?
Jaclene Domenick’s latest job experience is Knowledge Manager, Industry Support Team at Willis Towers Watson
What is Jaclene Domenick’s latest education?
Jaclene Domenick’s latest education in Liberal Arts at Duquesne University
Which industry does Jaclene Domenick work in?
Jaclene Domenick works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Jaclene Domenick’s peers at other companies?
Jaclene Domenick’s peers at other companies are Gloria Shi, Ryan Sullivan, Julie Fabbrucci, Michelle Margo, Sara Klaessy.
Who are Jaclene Domenick’s colleagues?
Some of Jaclene Domenick’s colleagues are Joseph Palimino, David Domenick, Nicholas Fajack, Joel Nesbitt.
Who is Jaclene Domenick?

Jaclene Domenick is a Director, Marketing at Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates based in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Previously, Jaclene was a Knowledge Manager, Industry Support Team at Willis Towers Watson and also held positions at Pittsburgh Pirates, Epiphany Water Solutions, Michael Hughes & Associates. Jaclene received a Liberal Arts... degree from Duquesne University.Read More

Where is Jaclene Domenick based?
Jaclene Domenick works for Capital A Financial & Insurance Associates, located at United States
See more information about Jaclene Domenick

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