Jackie Gardner

Strategic Finance Associate at GPR Ventures

Jackie Gardner Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jackie Gardner Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jackie Gardner Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jackie Gardner

Jackie Gardner is a Strategic Finance Associate at GPR Ventures based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Jackie was a Manager, Talent at Brillstein Entertainment Partners and also held positions at Innovative Artists. Jackie received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from New York University.

Jackie Gardner Current Workplace

GPR Ventures

2024-present (4 months)

GPR Ventures specializes in select private real estate investments aimed at sophisticated partners, focusing on maximizing asset value while minimizing risk and enhancing returns. Their expertise spans various asset classes including industrial, multifamily, and commercial office properties, with a notable presence in the Dallas-Fort Worth and Sacramento areas. The company adheres to key principles of consistency and commitment, backed by a strong professional network and extensive experience. They are dedicated to strategic analysis and execution in the acquisition-to-disposition process of real estate assets.

Jackie Gardner Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Talent

Brillstein Entertainment Partners


Agent Trainee

Innovative Artists




Bachelor of Fine Arts - Bachelor's Degree (BA), Drama & English

New York University

Org Chart - GPR Ventures

Jackie Gardner

Strategic Finance Associate

Intent on Jackie Gardner's Company


Interest in Jackie Gardner's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jackie Gardner

What company does Jackie Gardner work for?
Jackie Gardner works for GPR Ventures as Strategic Finance Associate
What is Jackie Gardner’s role in GPR Ventures?
Jackie Gardner’s role in GPR Ventures is Strategic Finance Associate
What is Jackie Gardner’s direct phone number?
Jackie Gardner’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jackie Gardner’s work phone number?
Jackie Gardner’s headquarters phone number is (408) 559-3300
What is Jackie Gardner’s latest job experience?
Jackie Gardner’s latest job experience is Manager, Talent at Brillstein Entertainment Partners
What is Jackie Gardner’s latest education?
Jackie Gardner’s latest education in Bachelor of Fine Arts - Bachelor's Degree (BA), Drama & English at New York University
Which industry does Jackie Gardner work in?
Jackie Gardner works in the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity, Finance.
Who are Jackie Gardner’s peers at other companies?
Jackie Gardner’s peers at other companies are Thomas Flynn, Austin Zehnder, Alexander Kost, Teresa Nguyen, Kim Nguyen.
Who are Jackie Gardner’s colleagues?
Some of Jackie Gardner’s colleagues are Cynthia Rodriguez, Elaine Blocher, Amanda Gautney, Josephine Jiang.
Who is Jackie Gardner?

Jackie Gardner is a Strategic Finance Associate at GPR Ventures based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Jackie was a Manager, Talent at Brillstein Entertainment Partners and also held positions at Innovative Artists. Jackie received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from New York University....

Where is Jackie Gardner based?
Jackie Gardner works for GPR Ventures, located at United States