
Jack Ferrer

Managing Director at Barron International Group

Jack Ferrer Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(212) ***-****

Jack Ferrer Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jack Ferrer Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jack Ferrer

Jack Ferrer is the Managing Director at Barron International Group, based in New York City, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as the Managing Partner at Adiligy. Ferrer holds a B.S. degree from Cornell University.Explore more

Jack Ferrer Current Workplace

Barron International Group

2015-present (9 years)

Barron International Group, LLC offers proprietary strategic advisory and capital raising services tailored for leaders in the media, entertainment, leisure, and branded consumer products industries. The firm operates with a focus on facilitating critical assignments for clients seeking growth and development in their respective fields. Based in New York and Palm Beach, Barron provides expertise in navigating complex financial transactions and strategies. The company's independent approach ensures unbiased advisory services across various sectors.

Jack Ferrer Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Senior Payroll Analyst



Vice President

Intelligent Edge Advisors







B. S. - Applied Economics and Management

Cornell University

M. B. A.

Cornell University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

New America Alliance


Collections Advisor

JPMorgan Chase


Org Chart - Barron International Group

Managing Director





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jack Ferrer

What company does Jack Ferrer work for?
Jack Ferrer works for Barron International Group as Managing Director
What is Jack Ferrer’s role in Barron International Group?
Jack Ferrer’s role in Barron International Group is Managing Director
What is Jack Ferrer’s email address?
Jack Ferrer’s email address is j***@barronintl.com
What is Jack Ferrer’s business email address?
Jack Ferrer’s business email address is j***@barronintl.com
What is Jack Ferrer’s direct phone number?
Jack Ferrer’s direct phone number is (212) ***-****
What is Jack Ferrer’s work phone number?
Jack Ferrer’s headquarters phone number is (561) 339-2510
What is Jack Ferrer’s latest job experience?
Jack Ferrer’s latest job experience is Director at Cyndx
What is Jack Ferrer’s latest education?
Jack Ferrer’s latest education in B. S. - Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University
Which industry does Jack Ferrer work in?
Jack Ferrer works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Jack Ferrer’s peers at other companies?
Jack Ferrer’s peers at other companies are Jey Bose, Greg Odell, Matthew Fallon, Don Devendorf, Robert Villamagna.
Who are Jack Ferrer’s colleagues?
Some of Jack Ferrer’s colleagues are James Lastarria, Angelo Coelho, Lisbeth Barron, Christopher Belcher.
How can I contact Jack Ferrer?
Jack Ferrer contact details: Email address: j***@barronintl.com Phone number: (212) ***-****
Who is Jack Ferrer?

Jack Ferrer is the Managing Director at Barron International Group, based in New York City, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as the Managing Partner at Adiligy. Ferrer holds a B.S. degree from Cornell University.... Read More

Where is Jack Ferrer based?
Jack Ferrer works for Barron International Group, located at United States
See more information about Jack Ferrer

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