Ivette Angulo

Area Manager, Service at Illinois State University

Ivette Angulo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Ivette Angulo Work Experience Summary

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About Ivette Angulo

Ivette Angulo is an Area Manager, Service at Illinois State University based in Normal, Illinois. Previously, Ivette was an Administrative Specialist at Geosyntec.Explore more

Ivette Angulo Current Workplace

Illinois State University

2024-present (2 months)

Illinois State University in Normal provides anything but a normal experience for its students. Students can choose from over 120 degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including the Mennonite College of Nursing and the College of Applied Science and Technology. Students are able to customize their studies, such as choosing to minor in civic engagement or internationalizing their major by combining their program with foreign-language studies. ISU has more than 400 student organizations, including the Gamma Phi Circus, the oldest collegiate circus in the country, as well as Greek life. ISU is about an hour away from Springfield, the capital of Illinois. ISU takes its Division I sports seriously; before each game, coaches and student athletes touch the sculpture of the Battle Bird for good luck. A statue of Will Robinson, the first-ever African-American Division I head basketball coach, and Doug Collins, the first overall pick in the 1973 NBA draft, is also on camSee more

Ivette Angulo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Administrative Specialist



Org Chart - Illinois State University


Area Manager, Service




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ivette Angulo

What company does Ivette Angulo work for?
Ivette Angulo works for Illinois State University as Area Manager, Service
What is Ivette Angulo’s role in Illinois State University?
Ivette Angulo’s role in Illinois State University is Area Manager, Service
What is Ivette Angulo’s direct phone number?
Ivette Angulo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ivette Angulo’s work phone number?
Ivette Angulo’s headquarters phone number is (309) 438-2111
What is Ivette Angulo’s latest job experience?
Ivette Angulo’s latest job experience is Administrative Specialist at Geosyntec
Which industry does Ivette Angulo work in?
Ivette Angulo works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Ivette Angulo’s peers at other companies?
Ivette Angulo’s peers at other companies are Camden Runge, Taylor Norbeck, Rory Kuhn, Natalie English, Jakob Gerber.
Who are Ivette Angulo’s colleagues?
Some of Ivette Angulo’s colleagues are Ronald Kelley, Tonya Mintz, Barling Connie, Valerie Welsh.
Who is Ivette Angulo?

Ivette Angulo is an Area Manager, Service at Illinois State University based in Normal, Illinois. Previously, Ivette was an Administrative Specialist at Geosyntec.... Read More

Where is Ivette Angulo based?
Ivette Angulo works for Illinois State University, located at United States
See more information about Ivette Angulo

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