Ivana Kovacevic

Group General Counsel at Tabcorp

Ivana Kovacevic Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ivana Kovacevic Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ivana Kovacevic Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ivana Kovacevic

Ivana Kovacevic is an experienced Regional General Counsel with 20 years of quality legal experience gained in-house at top-tier companies and law firms. Currently, they serve as the Group General Counsel at Tabcorp, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's legal affairs, including general privacy and cyber security, crisis management, modern slavery and ESG, strategic advice, IP, IT, litigation, M&As, employment and corporate law, risk & compliance, corporate governance, technology & innovation, and complex agreement negotiation and leases.Prior to their role at Tabcorp, Kovacevic was an Advisory Board Member at Practical Law Global, where they leveraged their extensive expertise in Australian and global legal matters to provide strategic guidance and oversight. Throughout their career, they have developed a reputation as an active leader, public speaker, chair of committees, and culture influencer, with a proven track record of managing teams and reporting directly toRead more

Ivana Kovacevic Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Tabcorp Holdings Limited is Australia's largest gambling company, employing more than 5,000 people. It is the largest provider of lotteries, Keno, wagering and gaming products and services in Australia. Tabcorp is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Ivana Kovacevic Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

General Counsel & Vice President, Anz International

Aristocrat Gaming


Senior Solicitor

Gilbert + Tobin



Herbert Smith Freehills


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Advisory Board Member

Practical Law Global


Org Chart - Tabcorp


Group General Counsel




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ivana Kovacevic

What company does Ivana Kovacevic work for?
Ivana Kovacevic works for Tabcorp as Group General Counsel
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s role in Tabcorp?
Ivana Kovacevic’s role in Tabcorp is Group General Counsel
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s email address?
Ivana Kovacevic’s email address is i***@tabcorp.com.au
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s business email address?
Ivana Kovacevic’s business email address is i***@tabcorp.com.au
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s direct phone number?
Ivana Kovacevic’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s work phone number?
Ivana Kovacevic’s headquarters phone number is +61 392466010
What is Ivana Kovacevic’s latest job experience?
Ivana Kovacevic’s latest job experience is General Counsel & Vice President, Anz International at Aristocrat Gaming
Which industry does Ivana Kovacevic work in?
Ivana Kovacevic works in the industry of Gambling & Gaming, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Ivana Kovacevic’s peers at other companies?
Ivana Kovacevic’s peers at other companies are Gautam Rohidekar.
Who are Ivana Kovacevic’s colleagues?
Some of Ivana Kovacevic’s colleagues are Mark Sankey, Nicholas Xenos, Henrico Scheffer, Mehmet Kabylakis.
How can I contact Ivana Kovacevic?
Ivana Kovacevic contact details: Email address: i***@tabcorp.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ivana Kovacevic?

Ivana Kovacevic is an experienced Regional General Counsel with 20 years of quality legal experience gained in-house at top-tier companies and law firms. Currently, they serve as the Group General Counsel at Tabcorp, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's legal affairs, including general privacy and cyber security, crisis managemen... t, modern slavery and ESG, strategic advice, IP, IT, litigation, M&As, employment and corporate law, risk & compliance, corporate governance, technology & innovation, and complex agreement negotiation and leases.Prior to their role at Tabcorp, Kovacevic was an Advisory Board Member at Practical Law Global, where they leveraged their extensive expertise in Australian and global legal matters to provide strategic guidance and oversight. Throughout their career, they have developed a reputation as an active leader, public speaker, chair of committees, and culture influencer, with a proven track record of managing teams and reporting directly to the group Chief Legal Officer based in the USA.Kovacevic's impressive legal background, combined with their strong leadership skills and deep understanding of the industry, make them a valuable asset to the organizations they serve. They are known for their ability to navigate complex legal challenges and provide strategic, solution-oriented advice to support the growth and success of their clients.Read More

Where is Ivana Kovacevic based?
Ivana Kovacevic works for Tabcorp, located at Australia
See more information about Ivana Kovacevic

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