
Itsararat Likitthum

Management Trainee at Thantawan Industry Public

Itsararat Likitthum Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Itsararat Likitthum Current Workplace


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Itsararat Likitthum Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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Number of job titles


About Itsararat Likitthum

Itsararat Likitthum is a Management Trainee at Thantawan Industry Public based in Nakhon Pathom, Nakhon Pathom. Previously, Itsararat was a Management Trainee at CPF Public.Explore more

Itsararat Likitthum Current Workplace

Thantawan Industry Public

2023-present (1 year)

We work as one for international prestige. Thantawan Industry Public Company Limited is one of the leading plastic bag and straw manufacturers with more than 40 years of experience leading us to the specialist in a production system and quality control with modern technology by following international standards. Our main products are different types of plastic straws, food packaging bag including a built-in zipper and zipper slider, multi-purpose bags in various industries, freezer bags, shopping bags, handle bags, garbage bags, and zipper lines for packaging. All goods can be produced either monolayer film or multi-layer film. As aforementioned products can be made by bioplastics, compostable plastics as well as products with modern technology for raw materials, such as packaging to extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits (Modify Atmosphere Packaging), Anti-microbial packaging, TEMP. Indicator Packaging, etc. We offer customization for all product sizes and all styles based onSee more

Itsararat Likitthum Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Management Trainee

CPF Public


Org Chart - Thantawan Industry Public


Management Trainee




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Itsararat Likitthum

What company does Itsararat Likitthum work for?
Itsararat Likitthum works for Thantawan Industry Public as Management Trainee
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s role in Thantawan Industry Public?
Itsararat Likitthum’s role in Thantawan Industry Public is Management Trainee
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s email address?
Itsararat Likitthum’s email address is i***@thantawan.com
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s business email address?
Itsararat Likitthum’s business email address is i***@thantawan.com
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s direct phone number?
Itsararat Likitthum’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s work phone number?
Itsararat Likitthum’s headquarters phone number is +66 28114700
What is Itsararat Likitthum’s latest job experience?
Itsararat Likitthum’s latest job experience is Management Trainee at CPF Public
Which industry does Itsararat Likitthum work in?
Itsararat Likitthum works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are Itsararat Likitthum’s peers at other companies?
Itsararat Likitthum’s peers at other companies are Arjun Swami, Syed Ali Bilgrami, Syahrul Ihza, Alex Richardson, Faizan Shahid.
Who are Itsararat Likitthum’s colleagues?
Some of Itsararat Likitthum’s colleagues are Cao Trúc, Buddha Hokiert, Ariyawat Jutichotdecha, Pojanard Prinyapatpakorn.
How can I contact Itsararat Likitthum?
Itsararat Likitthum contact details: Email address: i***@thantawan.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Itsararat Likitthum?

Itsararat Likitthum is a Management Trainee at Thantawan Industry Public based in Nakhon Pathom, Nakhon Pathom. Previously, Itsararat was a Management Trainee at CPF Public.... Read More

Where is Itsararat Likitthum based?
Itsararat Likitthum works for Thantawan Industry Public, located at Thailand
See more information about Itsararat Likitthum

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