Israel Ferreyra

Israel Ferreyra Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Israel Ferreyra Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Israel Ferreyra

Israel Ferreyra works at Cabrera Logistics, which is a Transportation company with an estimated 86 employees. Israel is currently based in Illinois. Found email listings include: i***

Israel Ferreyra Current Workplace

Cabrera Logistics

2020-present (5 years)

Our Commitment to customer service has been the cornerstone of our success since 1997 when Cabrera was founded by Martin Cabrera. A 16 year veteran in the transportation industry. His vision included creating a leading company by supporting the level of progress and excellence and a good relationship and most importantly customer service. Today, over 30 employees are working with passion to make this vision a reality each day. Cabrera has a culture that stimulates excellence in customer service, a culture for developing leaders who are empowered to make the right decision, a culture where everyone cares and with solid technology, our customers know Cabrera has the tools to commit to providing economical, high-quality and customized service that exceeds their expectations.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Israel Ferreyra

What is Israel Ferreyra’s direct phone number?
Israel Ferreyra’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Israel Ferreyra’s work phone number?
Israel Ferreyra’s headquarters phone number is (708) 343-4715
Which industry does Israel Ferreyra work in?
Israel Ferreyra works in the industry of Transportation General, Transportation.
Who are Israel Ferreyra’s colleagues?
Some of Israel Ferreyra’s colleagues are Karina Meraz, Martin Cabrera, Dorian Meraz.
Where is Israel Ferreyra based?
Israel Ferreyra works for Cabrera Logistics, located at United States