Israa Yousef

Medical Representative at Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt

Israa Yousef Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Israa Yousef Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Israa Yousef Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Israa Yousef

Israa Yousef is a Product Specialist at Inspire Pharma, based in Cairo, Egypt. They are responsible for promoting and supporting the company's pharmaceutical products. Prior to their current role, Israa worked as a Medical Representative at Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt. Israa holds a bachelor of vet medicine degree from South Valley University.Explore more

Israa Yousef Current Workplace

Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt

2011-present (13 years)

At Parkville, we believe that the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Market is a great place for people with dreams to create and develop unique products. With a clear and comprehensive understanding of patients' needs, Parkville aims to manufacture and distribute unique products that can satisfy the needy for. Parkville's products are now covering many therapeutic areas such as Rheumatology, Gynecology, Neurology and Dermatology...etc. Our style and structure help us creating a stimulating learning environment where modern medical concepts can be understood and applied. We consider Parkville a solid core of an on-going development process supported by every one of its working team. And we believe that it just the beginning.

Israa Yousef Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Product Specialist

Inspire Pharma


Org Chart - Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt


Medical Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Israa Yousef

What company does Israa Yousef work for?
Israa Yousef works for Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt as Medical Representative
What is Israa Yousef’s role in Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt?
Israa Yousef’s role in Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt is Medical Representative
What is Israa Yousef’s direct phone number?
Israa Yousef’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Israa Yousef’s work phone number?
Israa Yousef’s headquarters phone number is +20 233387892
What is Israa Yousef’s latest job experience?
Israa Yousef’s latest job experience is Product Specialist at Inspire Pharma
Which industry does Israa Yousef work in?
Israa Yousef works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Israa Yousef’s peers at other companies?
Israa Yousef’s peers at other companies are Hassan Nasr, King Cheong Chang, Dharmesh Agarwal, Fawzy Elrabwa, Rakesh Pathak.
Who are Israa Yousef’s colleagues?
Some of Israa Yousef’s colleagues are Yassmin El-Din, Nourhan Ibrahim, Ahmed Kadry, Ahmed Ali.
Who is Israa Yousef?

Israa Yousef is a Product Specialist at Inspire Pharma, based in Cairo, Egypt. They are responsible for promoting and supporting the company's pharmaceutical products. Prior to their current role, Israa worked as a Medical Representative at Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt. Israa holds a bachelor of vet medicine degree from South Valley University.... Read More

Where is Israa Yousef based?
Israa Yousef works for Parkville Pharmaceuticals Egypt, located at Egypt
See more information about Israa Yousef

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