Ismail Abdo

Electrical Supervisor at Rowad Modern Engineering

Ismail Abdo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Ismail Abdo Work Experience Summary

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About Ismail Abdo

Ismail Abdo is an Electrical Supervisor at Rowad Modern Engineering based in Cairo, Cairo.Explore more

Ismail Abdo Current Workplace

Rowad Modern Engineering

2018-present (6 years)

Since our establishment in 1998, ROWAD Modern Engineering (RME) has developed an unrivaled reputation built on world-class technical and commercial competencies, superior quality and value as well as long-term relationships with both public and private sector clients, to become today one of Egypts most reputable turnkey contractors with a strong reputation and growing business across the Middle East and Africa regions. At RME, we implement the latest and most reliable technological tools to ensure dynamic and cost-effective operations. We also have invested in our subsidiaries through strategic mergers and acquisitions integrating our scope of work while ensuring superior quality. Business excellence and project proficiency are at the core of RME, yet our employees are at the heart of everything we do. With over 2000 highly qualified employees, we enjoy a strong reputation for technical expertise, integrity, cooperation, and teamwork. Our people challenge themselves every day to reachSee more

Ismail Abdo Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

مشرف كهرباء

رواد الهندسه الحديثه


Org Chart - Rowad Modern Engineering


Electrical Supervisor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ismail Abdo

What company does Ismail Abdo work for?
Ismail Abdo works for Rowad Modern Engineering as Electrical Supervisor
What is Ismail Abdo’s role in Rowad Modern Engineering?
Ismail Abdo’s role in Rowad Modern Engineering is Electrical Supervisor
What is Ismail Abdo’s direct phone number?
Ismail Abdo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ismail Abdo’s work phone number?
Ismail Abdo’s headquarters phone number is +20 223581518
What is Ismail Abdo’s latest job experience?
Ismail Abdo’s latest job experience is مشرف كهرباء at رواد الهندسه الحديثه
Which industry does Ismail Abdo work in?
Ismail Abdo works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Ismail Abdo’s peers at other companies?
Ismail Abdo’s peers at other companies are Jesse Vejar, Charles Eichelberger, Sharafat Sorkhrodi, Santosh Yadav, John Hollingsworth.
Who are Ismail Abdo’s colleagues?
Some of Ismail Abdo’s colleagues are Basma Hamdy, Mahmoud Said, Hamdy Karam, Moaaz Hassan.
Who is Ismail Abdo?

Ismail Abdo is an Electrical Supervisor at Rowad Modern Engineering based in Cairo, Cairo.... Read More

Where is Ismail Abdo based?
Ismail Abdo works for Rowad Modern Engineering, located at Egypt
See more information about Ismail Abdo

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