Illia Stukalenko

Chief Marketing Officer at Pyro Graphix Animation Studio

Illia Stukalenko Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Illia Stukalenko Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Illia Stukalenko Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Illia Stukalenko

Illia Stukalenko is the Chief Marketing Officer at Pyro Graphix Animation Studio based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.Explore more

Illia Stukalenko Current Workplace

Pyro Graphix Animation Studio

2018-present (7 years)

We are a professional VideoMarketing Studio that produces quality Animated Corporate Explainer Videos for small Startups toCorporate Commercial Businesses. Our studio is based in Westville but we service the whole of South Africa including Capetown, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Umhlanga Rocks, Hillcrest and Durban. We provide creative video marketing solutions to enterprise brands and products Worldwide. We do this by fusing beautiful Motion Design with Animated Graphics to create engaging 2D & 3D Company Videos. Video has become the future way of consuming media, therefore it would be ideal for digital marketing, education, social media, Youtube advertising, Corporate Videos and promotional videos. Some of our services include Educational Cartoons,Television Commercials, Infographic Web Videos, Character Animation, Corporate Explainer videos, Video Editing, Company Videos, Instructional media, Internal Training Videos, Animated Logo Builds, 3d Product videos, and much more.

Illia Stukalenko Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Operator Cnc

Major s.p.zoo


Org Chart - Pyro Graphix Animation Studio

Chief Marketing Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Illia Stukalenko

What company does Illia Stukalenko work for?
Illia Stukalenko works for Pyro Graphix Animation Studio as Chief Marketing Officer
What is Illia Stukalenko’s role in Pyro Graphix Animation Studio?
Illia Stukalenko’s role in Pyro Graphix Animation Studio is Chief Marketing Officer
What is Illia Stukalenko’s email address?
Illia Stukalenko’s email address is i***@pyromedia.co.za
What is Illia Stukalenko’s business email address?
Illia Stukalenko’s business email address is i***@pyromedia.co.za
What is Illia Stukalenko’s direct phone number?
Illia Stukalenko’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Illia Stukalenko’s work phone number?
Illia Stukalenko’s headquarters phone number is +27 847107848
What is Illia Stukalenko’s latest job experience?
Illia Stukalenko’s latest job experience is Operator Cnc at Major s.p.zoo
Which industry does Illia Stukalenko work in?
Illia Stukalenko works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Illia Stukalenko’s peers at other companies?
Illia Stukalenko’s peers at other companies are Jessica Wallace, Jim Hornbeak, Joseph Missurelli, Melissa Fisher, Katie Mills.
Who are Illia Stukalenko’s colleagues?
Some of Illia Stukalenko’s colleagues are Zane de Villiers, Max Annenkov.
How can I contact Illia Stukalenko?
Illia Stukalenko contact details: Email address: i***@pyromedia.co.za Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Illia Stukalenko?

Illia Stukalenko is the Chief Marketing Officer at Pyro Graphix Animation Studio based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.... Read More

Where is Illia Stukalenko based?
Illia Stukalenko works for Pyro Graphix Animation Studio, located at South Africa
Who is Pyro Graphix Animation Studio’s Chief Marketing Officer?
Pyro Graphix Animation Studio's Chief Marketing Officer is Illia Stukalenko
See more information about Illia Stukalenko

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