
Ilinda Parham

CPA at Chalmers Poole

Ilinda Parham Email & Phone number

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(901) ***-****

Ilinda Parham Current Workplace


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Ilinda Parham Work Experience Summary

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About Ilinda Parham

Ilinda Parham is a CPA at Chalmers Poole, based in Memphis, United States. Prior to her current role, she was an Area of Income Taxation and Estate Planning Teacher at EY. Ilinda holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Memphis.Explore more

Ilinda Parham Current Workplace

Chalmers Poole

2007-present (18 years)

Chalmers Poole offers a range of accounting services alongside comprehensive financial and tax planning solutions. Their clientele includes corporate executives, sole proprietors, retirees, clergy, and individuals from various backgrounds. The firm provides advice on matters ranging from basic tax savings techniques to intricate retirement and estate planning. With a diverse team skilled in mathematics, finance, accounting, tax, and law, they ensure effective client support.

Ilinda Parham Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Area of Income Taxation and Estate Planning Teacher





Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting

University of Memphis

Masters of Business Administration - Finance

University of Memphis

Org Chart - Chalmers Poole






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ilinda Parham

What company does Ilinda Parham work for?
Ilinda Parham works for Chalmers Poole as CPA
What is Ilinda Parham’s role in Chalmers Poole?
Ilinda Parham’s role in Chalmers Poole is CPA
What is Ilinda Parham’s email address?
Ilinda Parham’s email address is i***@chalmers-poole.com
What is Ilinda Parham’s business email address?
Ilinda Parham’s business email address is i***@chalmers-poole.com
What is Ilinda Parham’s direct phone number?
Ilinda Parham’s direct phone number is (901) ***-****
What is Ilinda Parham’s work phone number?
Ilinda Parham’s headquarters phone number is (901) 763-3335
What is Ilinda Parham’s latest job experience?
Ilinda Parham’s latest job experience is Area of Income Taxation and Estate Planning Teacher at EY
What is Ilinda Parham’s latest education?
Ilinda Parham’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting at University of Memphis
Which industry does Ilinda Parham work in?
Ilinda Parham works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Ilinda Parham’s peers at other companies?
Ilinda Parham’s peers at other companies are Sherry Riley, Bob Bobson, Teresa Cozzi, Kevin Anderson, Dennis Burke.
Who are Ilinda Parham’s colleagues?
Some of Ilinda Parham’s colleagues are Kanchan Navadikar, Mark Oaks.
How can I contact Ilinda Parham?
Ilinda Parham contact details: Email address: i***@chalmers-poole.com Phone number: (901) ***-****
Who is Ilinda Parham?

Ilinda Parham is a CPA at Chalmers Poole, based in Memphis, United States. Prior to her current role, she was an Area of Income Taxation and Estate Planning Teacher at EY. Ilinda holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Memphis.... Read More

Where is Ilinda Parham based?
Ilinda Parham works for Chalmers Poole, located at United States
See more information about Ilinda Parham

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