
Iliana Linares

General Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority

Iliana Linares Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Iliana Linares Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Iliana Linares Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Iliana Linares

Iliana Linares is a General Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Iliana was a Senior Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority and also held positions at CTA. Iliana received a Associate of Applied Science degree from Oakton Community College and a Bachelor of Business Administration and Management from Northeastern Illinois University.

Iliana Linares Current Workplace

Chicago Transit Authority

2024-present (1 year)

Headquartered in Chicago, IL, Chicago Transit Authority is an independent governmental agency that provides passenger bus and rail transportation services.

Iliana Linares Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Purchasing

Chicago Transit Authority


Manager, Purchasing

Chicago Transit Authority


Senior Procurement Administrator

Chicago Transit Authority


Contract Analyst





Associate of Applied Science - Information Technology

Oakton Community College

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management - General

Northeastern Illinois University

Org Chart - Chicago Transit Authority

Iliana Linares

General Manager, Purchasing

Recent News About Iliana Linares

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Iliana Linares

What company does Iliana Linares work for?
Iliana Linares works for Chicago Transit Authority as General Manager, Purchasing
What is Iliana Linares’s role in Chicago Transit Authority?
Iliana Linares’s role in Chicago Transit Authority is General Manager, Purchasing
What is Iliana Linares’s email address?
Iliana Linares’s email address is i***@transitchicago.com
What is Iliana Linares’s business email address?
Iliana Linares’s business email address is i***@transitchicago.com
What is Iliana Linares’s direct phone number?
Iliana Linares’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Iliana Linares’s work phone number?
Iliana Linares’s headquarters phone number is (877) 669-8368
What is Iliana Linares’s latest job experience?
Iliana Linares’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority
What is Iliana Linares’s latest education?
Iliana Linares’s latest education in Associate of Applied Science - Information Technology at Oakton Community College
Which industry does Iliana Linares work in?
Iliana Linares works in the industry of Rail, Bus & Taxi, Transportation.
Who are Iliana Linares’s colleagues?
Some of Iliana Linares’s colleagues are Christine Dadourian, Kamesha Hill, Srikanth Malathi, Tameka Sheppard.
How can I contact Iliana Linares?
Iliana Linares contact details: Email address: i***@transitchicago.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Iliana Linares?

Iliana Linares is a General Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Iliana was a Senior Manager, Purchasing at Chicago Transit Authority and also held positions at CTA. Iliana received a Associate of Applied Science degree from Oakton Community College and a Bachelor of Business Administration and... Management from Northeastern Illinois University.

Where is Iliana Linares based?
Iliana Linares works for Chicago Transit Authority, located at United States