Ian Miao

Supervisor, Account Receivable at CGP Group

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Ian Miao Email & Phone number

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+86 ** **** ****

Ian Miao Current Workplace


CGP Group


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About Ian Miao

Ian Miao is a Supervisor, Account Receivable at CGP Group based in Shanghai, Shanghai.Explore more

Ian Miao Current Workplace

CGP Group

2019-present (6 years)

Founded in 2012, CGP Group is one of Asia’s largest recruitment solutions and HR Technology platforms, with 20 offices worldwide delivering Executive Search, Contracting, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Human Resources Outsourcing services to multi-national and domestic firms. With 16 brands that form our family of companies, we are a group that embraces and invests in entrepreneurship and joint ventures aligned with our business. We believe people are the cornerstone of every great company. Our goal is to bring together great people with great companies, and bring out the best in both company and talent by finding the perfect fit.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ian Miao

What company does Ian Miao work for?
Ian Miao works for CGP Group as Supervisor, Account Receivable
What is Ian Miao’s role in CGP Group?
Ian Miao’s role in CGP Group is Supervisor, Account Receivable
What is Ian Miao’s email address?
Ian Miao’s email address is i***@cgptalent.com
What is Ian Miao’s business email address?
Ian Miao’s business email address is i***@cgptalent.com
What is Ian Miao’s direct phone number?
Ian Miao’s direct phone number is +86 ** **** ****
What is Ian Miao’s work phone number?
Ian Miao’s headquarters phone number is +86 2163336720
Which industry does Ian Miao work in?
Ian Miao works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Ian Miao’s peers at other companies?
Ian Miao’s peers at other companies are Amy Robinson, Raghu Kariswamy.
Who are Ian Miao’s colleagues?
Some of Ian Miao’s colleagues are Janet Zhang, Vivien Zhang, Raffael Galardi, Michelle Jin.
How can I contact Ian Miao?
Ian Miao contact details: Email address: i***@cgptalent.com Phone number: +86 ** **** ****
Who is Ian Miao?

Ian Miao is a Supervisor, Account Receivable at CGP Group based in Shanghai, Shanghai.... Read More

Where is Ian Miao based?
Ian Miao works for CGP Group, located at China
See more information about Ian Miao

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