Huong Nguyen

Registered Nurse at DaVita

Huong Nguyen Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Huong Nguyen Current Workplace





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About Huong Nguyen

Huong Nguyen is a Registered Nurse at DaVita based in Denver, Colorado.

Huong Nguyen Current Workplace


2018-present (7 years)

DaVita Inc. provides kidney dialysis services for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure in the United States. The company operates kidney dialysis centers and provides related lab services in outpatient dialysis centers. It also offers outpatient, hospital inpatient, and home-based hemodialysis services; operates clinical laboratories that provide routine laboratory tests for dialysis and other physician-prescribed laboratory tests for ESRD patients; and management and administrative services to outpatient dialysis centers. In addition, the company offers integrated care and disease management services to patients in risk-based and other integrated care arrangements; clinical research programs; physician services; and comprehensive kidney care services. Further, it engages in the provision of acute inpatient dialysis services and related laboratory services; and transplant software business.

Org Chart - DaVita

Huong Nguyen

Registered Nurse

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Huong Nguyen

What company does Huong Nguyen work for?
Huong Nguyen works for DaVita as Registered Nurse
What is Huong Nguyen’s role in DaVita?
Huong Nguyen’s role in DaVita is Registered Nurse
What is Huong Nguyen’s direct phone number?
Huong Nguyen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Huong Nguyen’s work phone number?
Huong Nguyen’s headquarters phone number is (720) 631-2100
Which industry does Huong Nguyen work in?
Huong Nguyen works in the industry of Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare.
Who are Huong Nguyen’s peers at other companies?
Huong Nguyen’s peers at other companies are Gavyn Shilts, Christine Woomer, Gregory Winkler, Donnie Ward, June Powers.
Who are Huong Nguyen’s colleagues?
Some of Huong Nguyen’s colleagues are Christine Woomer, Donnie Ward, Lee Brown, June Powers.
Who is Huong Nguyen?

Huong Nguyen is a Registered Nurse at DaVita based in Denver, Colorado....

Where is Huong Nguyen based?
Huong Nguyen works for DaVita, located at United States