Hun Chong

Team Leader at Wilhelmsen Holding

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About Hun Chong

Hun Chong is a Team Leader at Wilhelmsen Holding based in Lysaker, Akershus.Explore more

Hun Chong Current Workplace

Wilhelmsen Holding

2024-present (2 months)

Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA provides maritime products and services worldwide. It operates through Maritime Services, New Energy, and Strategic Holdings and Investments segments. The company's products include pumps, accessories, and spares; cleaning, water treatment, and fuel oil chemicals, as well as test kits, reagents and marine chemicals equipment; air tools equipment and accessories, consumables, and spares; accessories, consumables, and spares for electric tools; mobile and stationary high pressure cleaners and systems, vacuum cleaning equipment, circulation cleaning unit, dilution and mixing equipment, cargo hold cleaning, ultrasonic part and filter cleaners, and workwear/PPE; gases, spangases, regulators, refrigerants, offshore racks, and gas distribution systems; refrigeration equipment tools, package equipment, secondary refrigerants and lubricants, and system equipment and spares; gas welding, brazing and cutting, arc welding equipment, arc welding consumables and storing,See more

Org Chart - Wilhelmsen Holding


Team Leader




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hun Chong

What company does Hun Chong work for?
Hun Chong works for Wilhelmsen Holding as Team Leader
What is Hun Chong’s role in Wilhelmsen Holding?
Hun Chong’s role in Wilhelmsen Holding is Team Leader
What is Hun Chong’s direct phone number?
Hun Chong’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hun Chong’s work phone number?
Hun Chong’s headquarters phone number is +47 67584000
Which industry does Hun Chong work in?
Hun Chong works in the industry of Marine Shipping & Transportation, Transportation.
Who are Hun Chong’s peers at other companies?
Hun Chong’s peers at other companies are Sarah Nelson, Zain Wilsnach, Berna Koc, Anna Zviahintseva, Ahmed Alameen.
Who are Hun Chong’s colleagues?
Some of Hun Chong’s colleagues are Chandan Das, Geraldine Manuta, Kiruthika Palani, Hafnas Valiyakath.
Who is Hun Chong?

Hun Chong is a Team Leader at Wilhelmsen Holding based in Lysaker, Akershus.... Read More

Where is Hun Chong based?
Hun Chong works for Wilhelmsen Holding, located at Norway
See more information about Hun Chong

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