Humberto Rosa

Chief Executive Officer at Red Line Filmes

Humberto Rosa Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Humberto Rosa Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Humberto Rosa Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Humberto Rosa

Humberto Rosa is the Chief Executive Officer at Red Line Filmes based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.Explore more

Humberto Rosa Current Workplace

Red Line Filmes

2023-present (2 years)

Fundada em 2009 no estado do Rio de Janeiro, a RED LINE FILMES é uma produtora de conteúdo para cinema, TV, Publicidade e Web que em menos de 5 anos de carreira ja acumula mais de 32 curtas metragens, 5 longas e 3 documentarios. Muitos de seus filmes foram exibidos tanto no Brasil quanto na Europa, Africa, Asia e America do Norte. Tendo participado de diversos festivais ganhando 2 prêmios internacionais e 8 nacionais até o momento. Formada por uma equipe com background diferentes e complementares, que alia juventude e experiencia, a RED LINE FILMES é uma empresa que está sempre buscando soluções criativas e inovadoras para garantir a qualidade final do seu produto. Recentemente inaugurou escritorios em Dublin (Irlanda) e Los Angeles (E.U.A) onde mantém equipes focadas na produção para o mercado de filmes falados em ingles.

Humberto Rosa Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director and Executive Producer

Red Line Films


Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Red Line Filmes


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


Mindgate Motion Pictures


Org Chart - Red Line Filmes

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Humberto Rosa

What company does Humberto Rosa work for?
Humberto Rosa works for Red Line Filmes as Chief Executive Officer
What is Humberto Rosa’s role in Red Line Filmes?
Humberto Rosa’s role in Red Line Filmes is Chief Executive Officer
What is Humberto Rosa’s email address?
Humberto Rosa’s email address is h***@redlinefilmes.com.br
What is Humberto Rosa’s business email address?
Humberto Rosa’s business email address is h***@redlinefilmes.com.br
What is Humberto Rosa’s direct phone number?
Humberto Rosa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Humberto Rosa’s latest job experience?
Humberto Rosa’s latest job experience is Director and Executive Producer at Red Line Films
Which industry does Humberto Rosa work in?
Humberto Rosa works in the industry of Hospitality General, Hospitality.
Who are Humberto Rosa’s peers at other companies?
Humberto Rosa’s peers at other companies are Marcelo Bertini, Mohamed Derwy, Steve Herring, Christopher Crewe, Andres Spilzinger.
Who are Humberto Rosa’s colleagues?
Some of Humberto Rosa’s colleagues are Tadeu Cabral, Shahed Sherafat, Ivo bastos Júnior.
How can I contact Humberto Rosa?
Humberto Rosa contact details: Email address: h***@redlinefilmes.com.br Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Humberto Rosa?

Humberto Rosa is the Chief Executive Officer at Red Line Filmes based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.... Read More

Where is Humberto Rosa based?
Humberto Rosa works for Red Line Filmes, located at Brazil
Who is Red Line Filmes’s Chief Executive Officer?
Red Line Filmes's Chief Executive Officer is Humberto Rosa
See more information about Humberto Rosa

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