Howard Rotana

Compliance Administrator at Ora Partners

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About Howard Rotana

Howard Rotana is a Compliance Administrator at Ora Partners based in Auckland, Auckland.Explore more

Howard Rotana Current Workplace

Ora Partners

2023-present (2 years)

Puai Wichman has been involved in the asset protection business since 1993. He chose the name Ora for its meaning of new life and fresh beginnings. He founded Ora Fiduciary (Cook Islands) Limited to provide trustee services from the Cook Islands. His journey now continues with Ora Partners, pulling together multi-disciplinary professionals from around the world to provide first-class premium service to astute and discerning clients. The focus remains the same: to provide clients with exemplary proactive service, always with a personal touch. It's fair to say that Ora takes the long walk with our clients; it's a close association, which often crosses into life-long friendships. Our services and capabilities have grown over the years to match the complexities of our clients' needs. Our work is further strengthened by modern technology platforms, allowing access to up-to-the-minute financial information and keeping our clients' data rigorously secure. Ora Partners have teams that operateSee more

Org Chart - Ora Partners


Compliance Administrator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Howard Rotana

What company does Howard Rotana work for?
Howard Rotana works for Ora Partners as Compliance Administrator
What is Howard Rotana’s role in Ora Partners?
Howard Rotana’s role in Ora Partners is Compliance Administrator
What is Howard Rotana’s direct phone number?
Howard Rotana’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Howard Rotana’s work phone number?
Howard Rotana’s headquarters phone number is +682 27047
Which industry does Howard Rotana work in?
Howard Rotana works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Howard Rotana’s peers at other companies?
Howard Rotana’s peers at other companies are Megan du Toit, Jessica Jasko, Shankar Sharan, Erin Taglianetti, Lance Ladson.
Who are Howard Rotana’s colleagues?
Some of Howard Rotana’s colleagues are Lora Tauira, Julian Zeman, Edna Teio, David Street.
Who is Howard Rotana?

Howard Rotana is a Compliance Administrator at Ora Partners based in Auckland, Auckland.... Read More

Where is Howard Rotana based?
Howard Rotana works for Ora Partners, located at New Zealand
See more information about Howard Rotana

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