Hossam Din DomeryA

Hossam Din Domery

Chief Technology Officer at Banque Misr

Hossam Din Domery Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Hossam Din Domery Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Hossam Din Domery Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Hossam Din Domery

Hossam Din Domery is the Chief Technology Officer at Banque Misr based in Cairo, Cairo. Previously, Hossam was the Infrastructure Manager at Banque Misr.Explore more

Hossam Din Domery Current Workplace

Banque Misr

2016-present (9 years)

Banque Misr was established in 1920, by the Egyptian financial leader Mohamed Talaat Harb Pasha. It is the first purely Egyptian Bank, which later became the symbol of nationalism in the whole Middle East region. It acquired a large client base throughout approximately 460 branches and units in Egypt in addition to external banking branches in Paris and coexistence in foreign countries through Banque Misr Lebanon and Banque Misr Europe (located in Germany). It has also expanded into new markets such as UAE after its acquisition of Banque du Caire five branches there. Banque Misr offers various products and services, whether corporate or retail, that meet all its customers' increasing demands. Furthermore, the bank contributes in establishing a number of vital projects that help to flourish the Egyptian community in several fields such as tourism, development, food security, spinning and weaving, transportation, financial institutions, oil, cinema and others. It is worth mentioning thatSee more

Hossam Din Domery Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Infrastructure Manager

Banque Misr


Manager, Operations

Banque Misr


Team Lead, Information Technology

Banque Misr


Assistant Team Lead, Information Technology

Banque Misr


Org Chart - Banque Misr

Profile Picture

Chief Technology Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hossam Din Domery

What company does Hossam Din Domery work for?
Hossam Din Domery works for Banque Misr as Chief Technology Officer
What is Hossam Din Domery’s role in Banque Misr?
Hossam Din Domery’s role in Banque Misr is Chief Technology Officer
What is Hossam Din Domery’s direct phone number?
Hossam Din Domery’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hossam Din Domery’s work phone number?
Hossam Din Domery’s headquarters phone number is +20 223912172
What is Hossam Din Domery’s latest job experience?
Hossam Din Domery’s latest job experience is Infrastructure Manager at Banque Misr
Which industry does Hossam Din Domery work in?
Hossam Din Domery works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Hossam Din Domery’s peers at other companies?
Hossam Din Domery’s peers at other companies are Ric Torres, Ahmed Khayyat, Suresh Renganathan, Aamir Khan, Lina Hess.
Who are Hossam Din Domery’s colleagues?
Some of Hossam Din Domery’s colleagues are Shaheer Ayoub, Ahmed Abeeb, Mohamed Elkhier, Osama AlAshry.
Who is Hossam Din Domery?

Hossam Din Domery is the Chief Technology Officer at Banque Misr based in Cairo, Cairo. Previously, Hossam was the Infrastructure Manager at Banque Misr.... Read More

Where is Hossam Din Domery based?
Hossam Din Domery works for Banque Misr, located at Egypt
Who is Banque Misr’s Chief Technology Officer?
Banque Misr's Chief Technology Officer is Hossam Din Domery
See more information about Hossam Din Domery

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