2013-present (11 years)
Holly Ballester Email & Phone number
Holly Ballester Current Workplace
2310 Pony Farm Rd, Maidens, Virginia, 23102, United States
Phone Number
(804) 263-6270
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Last Update 11/2/2024 2:05 PM
About Holly Ballester
Holly Ballester works at ASDI, which is an Agriculture company. Holly is currently based in Bushnell, Florida. Found email listings include: h***@anatoliandog.org.Read more
Holly Ballester Current Workplace
There are many clubs for different reasons... The promotion of the ASDI Code of Ethics our written standard since 1993. The education of Anatolian owners and prospective owners. Members agree to abide by the standards of the Code in order to join. AS...
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Cheetah Conservation Fund
by: Holly Ballester , Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International To contact Holly : email: ballester (at) anatolianshepherd.ccClub Contacts - Officers, Directors and Misc Contacts - ASDI, Inc.
Holly Ballester P.O. Box 1686 Bushnell FL 33513 (352) 568-2557 Email anatolianshepherds@gmail.comClub Contacts - Officers, Directors and Misc Contacts - ASDI, Inc.
The ASDI National Specialty was judged by Judge Sonja Ostrom and won by GR CH Huzur's Cesaret (Josie), shown by Holly Ballester and owned by Holly Bal...Club Contacts - Officers, Directors and Misc Contacts - ASDI, Inc.
Holly Ballester ~~ $10
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