
Hiroaki Otake

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Hiroaki Otake Work Experience Summary

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About Hiroaki Otake

Hiroaki Otake is a Member at IP Firm SHUWA based in Higashinihonbashi, Tokyo.Explore more

Hiroaki Otake Current Workplace

We provide solutions and satisfaction for our clients. Our organizational power and individual expertise help us in achieving this. Our firm, IP Firm SHUWA, is a major intellectual property firm in Japan. We boast having over forty patent attorneys with more than seventy technical and clerical staff, which ranks us in the top 1% of all patent firms in size in Japan. Our highly skilled patent attorneys and technology experts provide reliable services in every field of intellectual property, i.e. patents, designs, trademarks, and copyrights. We have been offering services for nearly thirty years since its foundation along with new members. We guarantee long years of good relations with our clients and we are confident in providing you with the most satisfactory services to obtain and protect your intellectual property right. The Japanese name of our firm, "Shuwa" consists of two Kanji (Chinese) characters that mean "excellence" and "harmony".

Hiroaki Otake Work Experience & Education

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hiroaki Otake

What is Hiroaki Otake’s email address?
Hiroaki Otake’s email address is o***@shuwa.net
What is Hiroaki Otake’s business email address?
Hiroaki Otake’s business email address is o***@shuwa.net
What is Hiroaki Otake’s direct phone number?
Hiroaki Otake’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hiroaki Otake’s work phone number?
Hiroaki Otake’s headquarters phone number is +81 336696581
Which industry does Hiroaki Otake work in?
Hiroaki Otake works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Hiroaki Otake’s peers at other companies?
Hiroaki Otake’s peers at other companies are David Barsky, Guy Harrison, Richard Sarver, James Jeffries, Harry Jones.
Who are Hiroaki Otake’s colleagues?
Some of Hiroaki Otake’s colleagues are Toshiaki Shimoda, Naoto Oshima, Ryota Morihiro, Hirohide Kanke.
How can I contact Hiroaki Otake?
Hiroaki Otake contact details: Email address: o***@shuwa.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hiroaki Otake?

Hiroaki Otake is a Member at IP Firm SHUWA based in Higashinihonbashi, Tokyo.... Read More

Where is Hiroaki Otake based?
Hiroaki Otake works for IP Firm SHUWA, located at Japan
See more information about Hiroaki Otake

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