Hind Benmerabet

Science Teacher at Aljazari

Hind Benmerabet Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Hind Benmerabet Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Hind Benmerabet Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Hind Benmerabet

Hind Benmerabet is a Science Teacher at Aljazari based in Atakent, Istanbul. Previously, Hind was a Science Teacher at Safir International School and also held positions at Genesis Biotechnology Group, Moffitt Cancer Center, Lee Health, Florida Gulf Coast University, Amara.Explore more

Hind Benmerabet Current Workplace


2024-present (5 months)

Aljazari International School provides services to all educational stages within its curriculum, from kindergarten to secondary level, seeking this coverage for all stages to develop an educational footprint in the communities, through the formation of interactive social leaders in harmony with the cultural and civilizational nature of their communities. - In view of the "pedagogical" plan of Aljazari International School, it focuses on a series of 21st-century perspectives: • Technological and technical development • Sustainable energy • Cultural diversity • Environmental protection and recycling • Islamic Humanities and Islamic teachings - Aljazari International School are keen to integrate this vision, into the various details of the institution, within the educational curricula, administrative work mechanisms, construction engineering and the school campus along with applying a zero waste inner policy. Thus, the following three languages have been integrated to achieve their respecSee more

Hind Benmerabet Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Science Teacher

Safir International School


Medical Laboratory Technologist

Genesis Biotechnology Group


PhD Student At the Moffitt Cancer Research Center

Moffitt Cancer Center


Medical Laboratory Technologist & Intern

Lee Health


Org Chart - Aljazari


Science Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hind Benmerabet

What company does Hind Benmerabet work for?
Hind Benmerabet works for Aljazari as Science Teacher
What is Hind Benmerabet’s role in Aljazari?
Hind Benmerabet’s role in Aljazari is Science Teacher
What is Hind Benmerabet’s direct phone number?
Hind Benmerabet’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hind Benmerabet’s work phone number?
Hind Benmerabet’s headquarters phone number is +90 2128130334
What is Hind Benmerabet’s latest job experience?
Hind Benmerabet’s latest job experience is Science Teacher at Safir International School
Which industry does Hind Benmerabet work in?
Hind Benmerabet works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Hind Benmerabet’s peers at other companies?
Hind Benmerabet’s peers at other companies are Magenta Kerr, Jason Noblitt, Michael Driscoll, Josiah Fuller, Kathryn O'Brien.
Who are Hind Benmerabet’s colleagues?
Some of Hind Benmerabet’s colleagues are Lubna Najam, Sajid Ahsan, Zakaria ALZawawi, Abdurrahman Musa.
Who is Hind Benmerabet?

Hind Benmerabet is a Science Teacher at Aljazari based in Atakent, Istanbul. Previously, Hind was a Science Teacher at Safir International School and also held positions at Genesis Biotechnology Group, Moffitt Cancer Center, Lee Health, Florida Gulf Coast University, Amara.... Read More

Where is Hind Benmerabet based?
Hind Benmerabet works for Aljazari, located at Turkey
See more information about Hind Benmerabet

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