
Hilary Genga

Chief Executive Officer at Trunkettes

Hilary Genga Email & Phone number


(818) ***-****

Hilary Genga Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Hilary Genga Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Hilary Genga

Hilary Genga is the Chief Executive Officer at Trunkettes based in Sherman Oaks, California.

Hilary Genga Current Workplace


2008-present (17 years)

The line has expanded to include bikinis, one pieces and cover-ups, as well as swim trunks for women in all lengths and styles. Trunkettes is designed to be hip and stylish with a bit more coverage for comfort and confidence. We believe that all women should have choices when it comes to swimwear and be able to enjoy family time at the beach or the pool worry-free! Trunkettes Swimwear is currently featured on the 2016 cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Also Trunkettes has been featured on The TODAY Show, The Talk,

Hilary Genga Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations




Org Chart - Trunkettes

Hilary Genga

Chief Executive Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hilary Genga

What company does Hilary Genga work for?
Hilary Genga works for Trunkettes as Chief Executive Officer
What is Hilary Genga’s role in Trunkettes?
Hilary Genga’s role in Trunkettes is Chief Executive Officer
What is Hilary Genga’s email address?
Hilary Genga’s email address is h***@trunkettes.com
What is Hilary Genga’s business email address?
Hilary Genga’s business email address is h***@trunkettes.com
What is Hilary Genga’s direct phone number?
Hilary Genga’s direct phone number is (818) ***-****
What is Hilary Genga’s work phone number?
Hilary Genga’s headquarters phone number is (310) 890-4998
Which industry does Hilary Genga work in?
Hilary Genga works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Hilary Genga’s peers at other companies?
Hilary Genga’s peers at other companies are Jim Crouch, Jaime Miguel, Laurie Steenbergen, Suren Fernando, Philippe Porcher.
Who are Hilary Genga’s colleagues?
Some of Hilary Genga’s colleagues are Robin Gaven.
How can I contact Hilary Genga?
Hilary Genga contact details: Email address: h***@trunkettes.com Phone number: (818) ***-****
Who is Hilary Genga?

Hilary Genga is the Chief Executive Officer at Trunkettes based in Sherman Oaks, California....

Where is Hilary Genga based?
Hilary Genga works for Trunkettes, located at United States
Who is Trunkettes’s Chief Executive Officer?
Trunkettes's Chief Executive Officer is Hilary Genga