Hesham Khan

Sales Manager at Desert Rose Resort

Hesham Khan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Hesham Khan Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Hesham Khan Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Hesham Khan

Hesham Khan is a seasoned sales professional based in Hurghada, Egypt, currently serving as the Sales Manager at the prestigious Desert Rose Resort. With a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Modern University for Technology & Information (MTI), they have honed their expertise in the hospitality industry.Prior to their current role, Hesham held the position of Manager, Sales Marketing at Protels Hotels & Resorts, where they were responsible for overseeing the sales and marketing strategies for the organization. Their exceptional communication skills, coupled with a deep understanding of the local market, have been instrumental in driving revenue growth and strengthening customer relationships.Hesham's academic achievements and professional experience have equipped them with a well-rounded skill set, including strategic planning, data analysis, and client relationship management. Their passion for the industry and commitment to excellence have made them a valuable assetRead more

Hesham Khan Current Workplace

Desert Rose Resort

2024-present (4 months)

The Desert Rose Resort offers 6 slides water park granting you 6 different amazing adventures on the sound of DJ music Operating during the following hours : 10:00-12:00 & 14:00-16:00 winter time and from 10:00 - 12:00 & 15:00 to 17:00 summer time , Have fun!

Hesham Khan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Sales Marketing

Protels Hotels & Resorts


Assistant Sales and Marketing Manager

Pickalbatros Hotels


Operation Coordinator

MTS Globe


Quality Specialist

MTS Globe


Org Chart - Desert Rose Resort


Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hesham Khan

What company does Hesham Khan work for?
Hesham Khan works for Desert Rose Resort as Sales Manager
What is Hesham Khan’s role in Desert Rose Resort?
Hesham Khan’s role in Desert Rose Resort is Sales Manager
What is Hesham Khan’s direct phone number?
Hesham Khan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hesham Khan’s work phone number?
Hesham Khan’s headquarters phone number is +20 653460601
What is Hesham Khan’s latest job experience?
Hesham Khan’s latest job experience is Manager, Sales Marketing at Protels Hotels & Resorts
Which industry does Hesham Khan work in?
Hesham Khan works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Hesham Khan’s peers at other companies?
Hesham Khan’s peers at other companies are Valeriia Zirka, David Abril, Nicole Einer, Ruth Alibrandi, Michelle Nguyen.
Who are Hesham Khan’s colleagues?
Some of Hesham Khan’s colleagues are Amin Hamed, Tarek Badawy, Maha Shaheen, Mohamed Rabea.
Who is Hesham Khan?

Hesham Khan is a seasoned sales professional based in Hurghada, Egypt, currently serving as the Sales Manager at the prestigious Desert Rose Resort. With a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Modern University for Technology & Information (MTI), they have honed their expertise in the hospitality industry.Prior to their current role,... Hesham held the position of Manager, Sales Marketing at Protels Hotels & Resorts, where they were responsible for overseeing the sales and marketing strategies for the organization. Their exceptional communication skills, coupled with a deep understanding of the local market, have been instrumental in driving revenue growth and strengthening customer relationships.Hesham's academic achievements and professional experience have equipped them with a well-rounded skill set, including strategic planning, data analysis, and client relationship management. Their passion for the industry and commitment to excellence have made them a valuable asset to both the Desert Rose Resort and their previous employer, Protels Hotels & Resorts.Read More

Where is Hesham Khan based?
Hesham Khan works for Desert Rose Resort, located at Egypt
See more information about Hesham Khan

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