Henoc Priyanto

English Teacher at Direct English

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About Henoc Priyanto

Henoc Priyanto is an English Teacher at Direct English based in Sofia, Sofia-Capital.Explore more

Henoc Priyanto Current Workplace

Direct English

2018-present (7 years)

Direct English is a unique English Language Teaching provider that enables students to build confidence and achieve their goals faster. Founded in 1997, Direct English has developed proven courses, learning resources and teaching methodologies in partnership with our parent organization, The Linguaphone Group. Direct English has enabled thousands of adults across Europe, Asia and the Middle East to learn the international language of business and communications, and gain an internationally recognized English Language qualification. Direct English language and earn a valuable, professional qualification has enabled thousands of adults worldwide to master the English. Direct English was launched in 1997 as a flexible, collaborative and quality alternative to other English Language Teaching providers. Today, Direct English has taught thousands of adults across centers in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, developing a host of unique online learning resources in the process.

Org Chart - Direct English


English Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Henoc Priyanto

What company does Henoc Priyanto work for?
Henoc Priyanto works for Direct English as English Teacher
What is Henoc Priyanto’s role in Direct English?
Henoc Priyanto’s role in Direct English is English Teacher
What is Henoc Priyanto’s direct phone number?
Henoc Priyanto’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Henoc Priyanto’s work phone number?
Henoc Priyanto’s headquarters phone number is +359 887144471
Which industry does Henoc Priyanto work in?
Henoc Priyanto works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Henoc Priyanto’s peers at other companies?
Henoc Priyanto’s peers at other companies are Natalia Balkunova, Carmen Cullen, Henrique Delegrego, Barth Keck, Julia Stroyeva.
Who are Henoc Priyanto’s colleagues?
Some of Henoc Priyanto’s colleagues are Mohammed Aldahoudi, Adeet Kratungpay, Dina Edghim, Haneen Alhalki.
Who is Henoc Priyanto?

Henoc Priyanto is an English Teacher at Direct English based in Sofia, Sofia-Capital.... Read More

Where is Henoc Priyanto based?
Henoc Priyanto works for Direct English, located at Bulgaria
See more information about Henoc Priyanto

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