Hendrey Chee

Director at Axis Identity Group

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(***) ***-****

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About Hendrey Chee

Hendrey brings 30 years of experience in the construction industry to his work as a Commercial Director with Axis Identity Group. He leads a team of over 25 staff fostering good quality operational standards and processes. Hendrey oversees all project and commercial life cycles. He began his career in project management in 1984 with Lian Ping Enterprise and was attached to the company for 12 years. Hendrey's entrepreneur ambitions lead him to start his own interior design contracting firm in 2005. He then grew his knowledge and skills with prominent players such as Jalex and was appointed as General Manager for LCL Furniture in Dubai in 2009. His industrial experience widely covers both regional and international names such as the Prime Minister's Residence, The Gardens & Boulevard Hotel, Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Phillip Wain, Dubai Mall, Dubai Marina and JT Metro - the largest and most sophisticated train station in Dubai. As the leader for commercial team, Hendrey ensures that tRead more

Hendrey Chee Current Workplace

Axis Identity Group

2014-present (11 years)

Axis Identity Group is a leading design practice in Malaysia providing 'Strategic Identity Solutions (SIS)' that leverages on the inherent synergy of interior design consultancy, design and build; branding and signage consultancy; and construction management. Established in 1991, Axis Identity Group has evolved to service corporate, retail, commercial and government organisations. Today, the group has a workforce of about 90 employees with offices in Kuala Lumpur (our head office), Shanghai and Dubai. Through SIS each specialised unit is a powerhouse of ideas and insights that offers clients the aptitude, focus and personalised services required for individual projects. Axis Identity Group is committed to deliver memorable brand experiences through the initiation of a unique way to build compelling environments that achieves brand differentiation while maintaining the originality of the brand. The group is recognised for the provision of award winning design solutions, seamless projectSee more

Org Chart - Axis Identity Group






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hendrey Chee

What company does Hendrey Chee work for?
Hendrey Chee works for Axis Identity Group as Director
What is Hendrey Chee’s role in Axis Identity Group?
Hendrey Chee’s role in Axis Identity Group is Director
What is Hendrey Chee’s email address?
Hendrey Chee’s email address is h***@axisidentity.com
What is Hendrey Chee’s business email address?
Hendrey Chee’s business email address is h***@axisidentity.com
What is Hendrey Chee’s direct phone number?
Hendrey Chee’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hendrey Chee’s work phone number?
Hendrey Chee’s headquarters phone number is +60 321634181
Which industry does Hendrey Chee work in?
Hendrey Chee works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Hendrey Chee’s peers at other companies?
Hendrey Chee’s peers at other companies are Anna Seng, George Karavanas, Teresa Mhindu, John Mantesso, Michael Dlamini.
Who are Hendrey Chee’s colleagues?
Some of Hendrey Chee’s colleagues are Dave Tan, Irene Chong, Foo Chuen, Kwong Ho.
How can I contact Hendrey Chee?
Hendrey Chee contact details: Email address: h***@axisidentity.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hendrey Chee?

Hendrey brings 30 years of experience in the construction industry to his work as a Commercial Director with Axis Identity Group. He leads a team of over 25 staff fostering good quality operational standards and processes. Hendrey oversees all project and commercial life cycles. He began his career in project management in 1984 with Lian Ping Enter... prise and was attached to the company for 12 years. Hendrey's entrepreneur ambitions lead him to start his own interior design contracting firm in 2005. He then grew his knowledge and skills with prominent players such as Jalex and was appointed as General Manager for LCL Furniture in Dubai in 2009. His industrial experience widely covers both regional and international names such as the Prime Minister's Residence, The Gardens & Boulevard Hotel, Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Phillip Wain, Dubai Mall, Dubai Marina and JT Metro - the largest and most sophisticated train station in Dubai. As the leader for commercial team, Hendrey ensures that the overall project budget meets quality as defined and delivering the project in a timely manner.Read More

Where is Hendrey Chee based?
Hendrey Chee works for Axis Identity Group, located at Malaysia
See more information about Hendrey Chee

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