Hector Rodriguez

Merchandiser at Frito-Lay

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About Hector Rodriguez

Hector Rodriguez is a Merchandiser at Frito-Lay based in Plano, Texas.Explore more

Hector Rodriguez Current Workplace


2024-present (11 months)

Frito-Lay began as two separate companies in the early 1930s that merged in 1961 to form Frito-Lay. It became a subsidiary of PepsiCo in 1965. There are 1,100 snack foods produced under the Frito-Lay name include Lay's potato chips, Fritos corn chips, Cheetos cheese-flavored snacks, Doritos and Tostitos tortilla chips. Frito-Lay North America generates half of PepsiCo's annual operating profit. For the second straight year, Frito-Lay opened a pop-up restaurant. The Flamin Hot Spot in Los Angeles featured Flamin Hot Cheetos in every recipe for three days in September.

Org Chart - Frito-Lay






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hector Rodriguez

What company does Hector Rodriguez work for?
Hector Rodriguez works for Frito-Lay as Merchandiser
What is Hector Rodriguez’s role in Frito-Lay?
Hector Rodriguez’s role in Frito-Lay is Merchandiser
What is Hector Rodriguez’s direct phone number?
Hector Rodriguez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hector Rodriguez’s work phone number?
Hector Rodriguez’s headquarters phone number is (800) 352-4477
Which industry does Hector Rodriguez work in?
Hector Rodriguez works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Hector Rodriguez’s peers at other companies?
Hector Rodriguez’s peers at other companies are Paul Ballard, Eugene Degiovine, Dalton Dodson, Kendric Goldsmith, Jim Duquette.
Who are Hector Rodriguez’s colleagues?
Some of Hector Rodriguez’s colleagues are Jeff Dodd, Scott Nolen, Naresh Malkoti, Caleb Franke.
Who is Hector Rodriguez?

Hector Rodriguez is a Merchandiser at Frito-Lay based in Plano, Texas.... Read More

Where is Hector Rodriguez based?
Hector Rodriguez works for Frito-Lay, located at United States
See more information about Hector Rodriguez

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