2019-present (6 years)
Heckman Jeri Email & Phone number
Heckman Jeri Current Workplace
168 3rd Ave, Waltham, Massachusetts, 02451, United States
Phone Number
(781) 622-1045
Number of Employees
Heckman Jeri Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
1About Heckman Jeri
Heckman Jeri is an Accounting at Thermo Fisher Scientific based in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Previously, Heckman was an Accounting at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Heckman Jeri Current Workplace
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides life sciences solutions, analytical instruments, specialty diagnostics, and laboratory products and biopharma services in the North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and internationally. The company's Life Sciences Solutions segment offers reagents, instruments, and consumables for biological and medical research, discovery, and production of drugs and vaccines, as well as diagnosis of infections and diseases; and solutions include biosciences, genetic sciences, and bio production to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agricultural, clinical, healthcare, academic, and government markets. Its Analytical Instruments segment provides instruments, consumables, software, and services for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic, government, environmental, and other research and industrial markets, as well as clinical laboratories. The company's Specialty Diagnostics segment offers liquid, ready-to-use, and lyophilized immunodiagnostic reagent kits, as well as cSee more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Heckman Jeri
Heckman Jeri is an Accounting at Thermo Fisher Scientific based in Waltham, Massachusetts. Previously, Heckman was an Accounting at Thermo Fisher Scientific....