Heber Quiroz Email & Phone number
Heber Quiroz Current Workplace
PO Box 311, Lenah Valley, Tasmania, 7008, Australia
Phone Number
+61 418588081
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Last Update 10/26/2024 5:50 AM
About Heber Quiroz
Heber Quiroz works at Ottas, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 3 employees. Heber is currently based in Peru. Found email listings include: h***@ottas.com.au.Explore more
Heber Quiroz Current Workplace
Occupational Therapy Tas (OTTAS) is a Hobart based occupational therapy service which has been operating since 2002. Director, Liz Freeman, has been working in private practice since 1998. OTTAS is an accredited service provider for the Motor Accidents Insurance Board and WorkCover Tasmania and a small and experienced OT team and supported by a Therapy Assistant. OTTAS services include: Comprehensive and effective return to work programs Brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation Ergonomic assessments at the workplace and home office Home assessments for disability access and to support individuals to remain at home Equipment assessment and prescription to optimise independence and function The services provided are community based. Liz Freeman has developed strong relationships and links with allied health professionals and community organisations that assist in achieving the best outcome for clients.
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