Heather Schaefer

Software Support Specialist at Proximedics

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Heather Schaefer Email & Phone number

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(412) ***-****

Heather Schaefer Current Workplace


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Heather Schaefer Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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About Heather Schaefer

Heather Schaefer is a Software Support Specialist at Proximedics based in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. Previously, Heather was a Co- Marketing & Advertising Owner at Pittsburgh Digital DJs and also held positions at Bayer. Heather received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Point Park University.Explore more

Heather Schaefer Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

Proximedics partners with pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers to seamlessly integrate powerful RFID functionality into healthcare products. We understand the needs of your customers and know how to make your products smarter, safer, and more secure to meet the challenges of today's demanding clinical environments. Proximedics goes beyond standard supply chain optimization. We specialize in unique and technically challenging end-user applications in a diverse set of healthcare environments, from the operating room to physician office. We work to understand your customers' specific needs and tailor a solution to fit. We build customized packages of hardware and software for each unique application that unlock the power of RFID technology without changing existing workflow or distracting healthcare employees from their mission of providing patient care. Our solutions are simple to deploy and we can offer service and support direct to your customers with the technical knowledgeSee more

Heather Schaefer Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Co- Marketing & Advertising Owner

Pittsburgh Digital DJs


Clsc Customer Logistics & Team Lead Representative II





Bachelor of Arts

Point Park University

Org Chart - Proximedics


Software Support Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Heather Schaefer

What company does Heather Schaefer work for?
Heather Schaefer works for Proximedics as Software Support Specialist
What is Heather Schaefer’s role in Proximedics?
Heather Schaefer’s role in Proximedics is Software Support Specialist
What is Heather Schaefer’s direct phone number?
Heather Schaefer’s direct phone number is (412) ***-****
What is Heather Schaefer’s work phone number?
Heather Schaefer’s headquarters phone number is (877) 687-2002
What is Heather Schaefer’s latest job experience?
Heather Schaefer’s latest job experience is Co- Marketing & Advertising Owner at Pittsburgh Digital DJs
What is Heather Schaefer’s latest education?
Heather Schaefer’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Point Park University
Which industry does Heather Schaefer work in?
Heather Schaefer works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Heather Schaefer’s peers at other companies?
Heather Schaefer’s peers at other companies are Demir Hür, Alican Görünmez, Aidan Harris, Semih Polat, Polat Turanlı.
Who are Heather Schaefer’s colleagues?
Some of Heather Schaefer’s colleagues are Steve Wasko.
Who is Heather Schaefer?

Heather Schaefer is a Software Support Specialist at Proximedics based in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. Previously, Heather was a Co- Marketing & Advertising Owner at Pittsburgh Digital DJs and also held positions at Bayer. Heather received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Point Park University.... Read More

Where is Heather Schaefer based?
Heather Schaefer works for Proximedics, located at United States
See more information about Heather Schaefer

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