Heather Koklich

Benefits Administrator at Express

Heather Koklich Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Heather Koklich Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Heather Koklich Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Heather Koklich

Heather Koklich is a Benefits Administrator at Express based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Heather was an Executive Assistant & Human Resource Generalist at Hopewell Federal Credit Union and also held positions at Advance Auto Parts, Giant Eagle. Heather received a Bachelor degree from Bowling Green State University.

Heather Koklich Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Express is an American fashion retailer that caters mainly to young men and women. The company is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and was founded in 1980.

Heather Koklich Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive Assistant & Human Resource Generalist

Hopewell Federal Credit Union


Human Resource Generalist

Advance Auto Parts


Retail Recruiting

Giant Eagle





Bowling Green State University

Org Chart - Express

Heather Koklich

Benefits Administrator

Intent on Heather Koklich's Company


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Heather Koklich

What company does Heather Koklich work for?
Heather Koklich works for Express as Benefits Administrator
What is Heather Koklich’s role in Express?
Heather Koklich’s role in Express is Benefits Administrator
What is Heather Koklich’s email address?
Heather Koklich’s email address is h***@express.com
What is Heather Koklich’s business email address?
Heather Koklich’s business email address is h***@express.com
What is Heather Koklich’s direct phone number?
Heather Koklich’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Heather Koklich’s work phone number?
Heather Koklich’s headquarters phone number is (614) 474-4001
What is Heather Koklich’s latest job experience?
Heather Koklich’s latest job experience is Executive Assistant & Human Resource Generalist at Hopewell Federal Credit Union
What is Heather Koklich’s latest education?
Heather Koklich’s latest education in Bachelor at Bowling Green State University
Which industry does Heather Koklich work in?
Heather Koklich works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Heather Koklich’s peers at other companies?
Heather Koklich’s peers at other companies are Mily Nunez, Nompumelelo Nene, Noor Nisa Sial, Tov Yates, Becky Godina.
Who are Heather Koklich’s colleagues?
Some of Heather Koklich’s colleagues are Ingrid Blanco, James Parks, Adai Alagappan, Joshua Lucas.
How can I contact Heather Koklich?
Heather Koklich contact details: Email address: h***@express.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Heather Koklich?

Heather Koklich is a Benefits Administrator at Express based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Heather was an Executive Assistant & Human Resource Generalist at Hopewell Federal Credit Union and also held positions at Advance Auto Parts, Giant Eagle. Heather received a Bachelor degree from Bowling Green State University....

Where is Heather Koklich based?
Heather Koklich works for Express, located at United States