
Heather Askildsen

Administrative Aide II at New York University

Heather Askildsen Email & Phone number

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(212) ***-****

Heather Askildsen Current Workplace



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Heather Askildsen Work Experience Summary

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About Heather Askildsen

Heather Askildsen is a strong communicator with a robust technical skillset and demonstrated commitment to academic excellence. They have nearly a decade of administrative work experience in higher education, currently serving as an Administrative Aide II at New York University.In their current role, Heather is responsible for overseeing various administrative duties, including managing schedules, coordinating events, and providing support to the department. Prior to their position at NYU, they worked as a Writing Consultant at the Pace University Writing Center, where they honed their skills in academic writing and mentoring students.Heather holds a Bachelor of English and Communications degree from Pace University, where they developed a passion for effective communication and problem-solving. Their ability to work collaboratively, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in their success throughout their career.Explore more

Heather Askildsen Current Workplace

New York University

2018-present (7 years)

Since its founding in 1831, NYU has been an innovator in higher education, reaching out to an emerging middle class, embracing an urban identity and professional focus, and promoting a global vision that informs its 20 schools and colleges. Today, that trailblazing spirit makes NYU one of the most prominent and respected research universities in the world, featuring top-ranked academic programs and accepting fewer than one in eight undergraduates. Anchored in New York City and with degree-granting campuses in Abu Dhabi and Shanghai as well as 12 study away sites throughout the world, NYU is a leader in global education, with more international students and more students studying abroad than any other US university.

Heather Askildsen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Academic Technologist

Pace University


Administrative Assistant

Baruch College


Administrative Aide

Vcorp Services


News Editor

Pace University




Bachelor of English and Communications

Pace University

Org Chart - New York University


Administrative Aide II




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Heather Askildsen

What company does Heather Askildsen work for?
Heather Askildsen works for New York University as Administrative Aide II
What is Heather Askildsen’s role in New York University?
Heather Askildsen’s role in New York University is Administrative Aide II
What is Heather Askildsen’s email address?
Heather Askildsen’s email address is h***@nyu.edu
What is Heather Askildsen’s business email address?
Heather Askildsen’s business email address is h***@nyu.edu
What is Heather Askildsen’s direct phone number?
Heather Askildsen’s direct phone number is (212) ***-****
What is Heather Askildsen’s work phone number?
Heather Askildsen’s headquarters phone number is (212) 998-1212
What is Heather Askildsen’s latest job experience?
Heather Askildsen’s latest job experience is Academic Technologist at Pace University
What is Heather Askildsen’s latest education?
Heather Askildsen’s latest education in Bachelor of English and Communications at Pace University
Which industry does Heather Askildsen work in?
Heather Askildsen works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Heather Askildsen’s peers at other companies?
Heather Askildsen’s peers at other companies are Amanda Wu, Jasmine Scriven, Andrea Chang, Kiara Flint Whitney, Alicia Guardia.
Who are Heather Askildsen’s colleagues?
Some of Heather Askildsen’s colleagues are Alina Ahmad, Youngmi Ha, Jay Jung, Gianni Pensotto.
How can I contact Heather Askildsen?
Heather Askildsen contact details: Email address: h***@nyu.edu Phone number: (212) ***-****
Who is Heather Askildsen?

Heather Askildsen is a strong communicator with a robust technical skillset and demonstrated commitment to academic excellence. They have nearly a decade of administrative work experience in higher education, currently serving as an Administrative Aide II at New York University.In their current role, Heather is responsible for overseeing various ad... ministrative duties, including managing schedules, coordinating events, and providing support to the department. Prior to their position at NYU, they worked as a Writing Consultant at the Pace University Writing Center, where they honed their skills in academic writing and mentoring students.Heather holds a Bachelor of English and Communications degree from Pace University, where they developed a passion for effective communication and problem-solving. Their ability to work collaboratively, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in their success throughout their career.Read More

Where is Heather Askildsen based?
Heather Askildsen works for New York University, located at United States
See more information about Heather Askildsen

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