
Hayden Gretczko

Car Sales Specialist at Riverdale Chrysler Jeep

Hayden Gretczko Email & Phone number

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Hayden Gretczko Current Workplace


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Hayden Gretczko Work Experience Summary

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About Hayden Gretczko

Hayden Gretczko is a Car Sales Specialist at Riverdale Chrysler Jeep based in The Bronx, New York. Previously, Hayden was a Manager, Social Media at Fizz and also held positions at DataAnnotation, The Bronx Tourism Council, Foot Locker, Manhattan College, Burlington.Explore more

Hayden Gretczko Current Workplace

Riverdale Chrysler Jeep

2024-present (3 months)

Riverdale Chrysler Jeep would like to thank you for visiting our website! We have a skilled and knowledgeable sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers' needs. Located in Bronx, New York, the staff at Riverdale Chrysler Jeep will help you find the vehicle you want. We offer a searchable online inventory of new Jeep and Chrysler cars in the Bronx, along with well-maintained used cars by today's top manufacturers. Come on in and take a test drive! Our sales staff will help you find that new Jeep, Chrysler or quality used car that you have been searching for in the Bronx, White Plains, Manhattan and Brooklyn area. The financial staff at Riverdale Chrysler Jeep offers expert advice for those seeking an affordable Bronx car loan or lease. Our service doesn't stop there. Bronx customers can come in and take advantage of our knowledgeable Jeep and Chrysler service & auto repair technicians and a fully-stocked inventory of auto parts and accessories. Whether you are loSee more

Hayden Gretczko Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Social Media



AI Interaction Analyst



Manager, Social Media

The Bronx Tourism Council


Automotive Photographer

Speed 2 Market


Org Chart - Riverdale Chrysler Jeep


Car Sales Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hayden Gretczko

What company does Hayden Gretczko work for?
Hayden Gretczko works for Riverdale Chrysler Jeep as Car Sales Specialist
What is Hayden Gretczko’s role in Riverdale Chrysler Jeep?
Hayden Gretczko’s role in Riverdale Chrysler Jeep is Car Sales Specialist
What is Hayden Gretczko’s email address?
Hayden Gretczko’s email address is h***@riverdalechryslerjeep.com
What is Hayden Gretczko’s business email address?
Hayden Gretczko’s business email address is h***@riverdalechryslerjeep.com
What is Hayden Gretczko’s direct phone number?
Hayden Gretczko’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hayden Gretczko’s work phone number?
Hayden Gretczko’s headquarters phone number is (718) 548-3136
What is Hayden Gretczko’s latest job experience?
Hayden Gretczko’s latest job experience is Manager, Social Media at Fizz
Which industry does Hayden Gretczko work in?
Hayden Gretczko works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail.
Who are Hayden Gretczko’s peers at other companies?
Hayden Gretczko’s peers at other companies are Darius Mario, Andrew Purse, Mell Gonzalez, Katleho Masanabo, Jacob Krautzel.
Who are Hayden Gretczko’s colleagues?
Some of Hayden Gretczko’s colleagues are Albert Pico, Sonial Torres, Guadalupe Munoz, Stanley Charles.
How can I contact Hayden Gretczko?
Hayden Gretczko contact details: Email address: h***@riverdalechryslerjeep.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hayden Gretczko?

Hayden Gretczko is a Car Sales Specialist at Riverdale Chrysler Jeep based in The Bronx, New York. Previously, Hayden was a Manager, Social Media at Fizz and also held positions at DataAnnotation, The Bronx Tourism Council, Foot Locker, Manhattan College, Burlington.... Read More

Where is Hayden Gretczko based?
Hayden Gretczko works for Riverdale Chrysler Jeep, located at United States
See more information about Hayden Gretczko

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