Hassan Hajjaji

Directeur Du Développement Commercial at Soralo

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About Hassan Hajjaji

Hassan Hajjaji works as a Directeur Du Développement Commercial at Soralo, which is a Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations company with an estimated 18 employees. Found email listings include: h***@soralo.org.Explore more

Hassan Hajjaji Current Workplace


2015-present (10 years)

SORALO is a community-based land trust established in 2004, aimed at uniting 16 Maasai communities in the South Rift of Kenya in managing and securing their landscapes. Their mission focuses on protecting open rangelands, conserving coexistence between wildlife and livestock, and fostering cultural leadership and community empowerment. The organization develops innovative conservation models that promote the integrity of the ecosystem, ensuring sustainable economic opportunities for the local Maasai communities. SORALO operates in an area of exceptional biological and cultural diversity, facing challenges from population growth and land use changes.

Org Chart - Soralo


Directeur Du Développement Commerci...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hassan Hajjaji

What company does Hassan Hajjaji work for?
Hassan Hajjaji works for Soralo as Directeur Du Développement Commercial
What is Hassan Hajjaji’s role in Soralo?
Hassan Hajjaji’s role in Soralo is Directeur Du Développement Commercial
What is Hassan Hajjaji’s direct phone number?
Hassan Hajjaji’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hassan Hajjaji’s work phone number?
Hassan Hajjaji’s headquarters phone number is +254 202512439
Which industry does Hassan Hajjaji work in?
Hassan Hajjaji works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Hassan Hajjaji’s peers at other companies?
Hassan Hajjaji’s peers at other companies are Amine Boucetta, Hassan Elhajjai.
Who are Hassan Hajjaji’s colleagues?
Some of Hassan Hajjaji’s colleagues are Elhajjaji Hassan, Joel Njonjo, Moses Tenke, El Hassan.
Where is Hassan Hajjaji based?
Hassan Hajjaji works for Soralo, located at Kenya
See more information about Hassan Hajjaji

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