
Hareesh Aarikatla

Software Engineer at Labcorp

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(***) ***-****

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About Hareesh Aarikatla

Hareesh Aarikatla is a Software Engineer at Labcorp based in Burlington, North Carolina.Explore more

Hareesh Aarikatla Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

Labcorp Holdings Inc. operates as a laboratory services company that provides vital information to help doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and patients make clear and confident decisions. It operates in two segments, Diagnostics Laboratories (Dx) and Biopharma Laboratory Services (BLS). The company offers various tests, such as blood chemistry analyses, urinalyses, blood cell counts, thyroid tests, PAP tests, hemoglobin A1C and vitamin D, prostate-specific antigens, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C tests, microbiology cultures and procedures, and alcohol and other substance-abuse tests. It also provides specialty testing services comprising gene-based and esoteric testing; advanced tests target specific diseases; services related to anatomic pathology/oncology, cardiovascular disease, coagulation, diagnostic genetics, endocrinology, infectious disease, women's health, pharmacogenetics, parentage and donor testing, occupational testing serviceSee more

Org Chart - Labcorp


Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hareesh Aarikatla

What company does Hareesh Aarikatla work for?
Hareesh Aarikatla works for Labcorp as Software Engineer
What is Hareesh Aarikatla’s role in Labcorp?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s role in Labcorp is Software Engineer
What is Hareesh Aarikatla’s email address?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s email address is a***@labcorp.com
What is Hareesh Aarikatla’s business email address?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s business email address is a***@labcorp.com
What is Hareesh Aarikatla’s direct phone number?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hareesh Aarikatla’s work phone number?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s headquarters phone number is (336) 229-1127
Which industry does Hareesh Aarikatla work in?
Hareesh Aarikatla works in the industry of Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare.
Who are Hareesh Aarikatla’s peers at other companies?
Hareesh Aarikatla’s peers at other companies are Chris Loebner, Vladimir Nikolic, Saidulu Bugga, Aditya Verma, Mohd Mansoori.
Who are Hareesh Aarikatla’s colleagues?
Some of Hareesh Aarikatla’s colleagues are Jamie Johnson, Susan Trombley, Larissa Rugg, Bobby Clawson.
How can I contact Hareesh Aarikatla?
Hareesh Aarikatla contact details: Email address: a***@labcorp.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hareesh Aarikatla?

Hareesh Aarikatla is a Software Engineer at Labcorp based in Burlington, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Hareesh Aarikatla based?
Hareesh Aarikatla works for Labcorp, located at United States
See more information about Hareesh Aarikatla

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