Hannah Klassen

Knowledge Translation Specialist at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

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Hannah Klassen Work Experience Summary

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About Hannah Klassen

Hannah Klassen is a Knowledge Translation Specialist at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health based in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Previously, Hannah was a Registered Nurse at Alberta Health Services and also held positions at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. Hannah received a Bachelor of Science of Nursing degree from University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Arts from Ambrose University.Explore more

Hannah Klassen Current Workplace

At the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH), we provide the Canadian public health community with knowledge and resources to take action on the social determinants of health, to close the gap between those who are most and least healthy. We work with the public health field to move knowledge into action-in practice, in policy and in decision making-to achieve societal improvements that result in health for all. We are one of six national collaborating centres funded through a Public Health Agency of Canada program. We are hosted at St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. StFX has a rich history in social justice beginning in the 1920s with the Antigonish Movement. The Movement began, led by Father Jimmy Thompkins and Dr. Moses Coady, as a local community-based movement in response to poverty affecting disadvantaged groups in Eastern Canada. StFX quickly created an Extension Department to teach and use these community actions and adulSee more

Hannah Klassen Work Experience & Education

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Bachelor of Science of Nursing - BScN (After-Degree Program), Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse

University of Alberta

Bachelor of Arts - BA, Behavioral Sciences

Ambrose University

Master of Public Health - MPH, Indigenous Peoples' Health, Public Health

University of Victoria

Org Chart - National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health


Knowledge Translation Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hannah Klassen

What company does Hannah Klassen work for?
Hannah Klassen works for National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health as Knowledge Translation Specialist
What is Hannah Klassen’s role in National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health?
Hannah Klassen’s role in National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health is Knowledge Translation Specialist
What is Hannah Klassen’s email address?
Hannah Klassen’s email address is h***@stfx.ca
What is Hannah Klassen’s business email address?
Hannah Klassen’s business email address is h***@stfx.ca
What is Hannah Klassen’s direct phone number?
Hannah Klassen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hannah Klassen’s work phone number?
Hannah Klassen’s headquarters phone number is (902) 867-6133
What is Hannah Klassen’s latest job experience?
Hannah Klassen’s latest job experience is Student Researcher at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health
What is Hannah Klassen’s latest education?
Hannah Klassen’s latest education in Bachelor of Science of Nursing - BScN (After-Degree Program), Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse at University of Alberta
Which industry does Hannah Klassen work in?
Hannah Klassen works in the industry of Government.
Who are Hannah Klassen’s peers at other companies?
Hannah Klassen’s peers at other companies are Karen Fish, Pemma Muzumdar, Kristia Maatta.
Who are Hannah Klassen’s colleagues?
Some of Hannah Klassen’s colleagues are Karen Fish, Connie Clement, Pemma Muzumdar, Kristia Maatta.
How can I contact Hannah Klassen?
Hannah Klassen contact details: Email address: h***@stfx.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hannah Klassen?

Hannah Klassen is a Knowledge Translation Specialist at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health based in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Previously, Hannah was a Registered Nurse at Alberta Health Services and also held positions at National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. Hannah received a Bachelor of Science of Nursin... g degree from University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Arts from Ambrose University.Read More

Where is Hannah Klassen based?
Hannah Klassen works for National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, located at Canada
See more information about Hannah Klassen

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