Hani Ghandour

Resident at Center for Clinical and Translational Science

Hani Ghandour Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Hani Ghandour Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Hani Ghandour Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Hani Ghandour

Hani Ghandour is a Resident at Center for Clinical and Translational Science based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Hani was a Resident Yr at Advocate Health Care and also held positions at University of Illinois, Metropolitan Group Hospitals Residency in General Surgery.

Hani Ghandour Current Workplace

Center for Clinical and Translational Science is a company that operates in the Medical Laboratories & Imaging Centers industry. It employs 250to499 people and has 50Mto100M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Hani Ghandour Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Org Chart - Center for Clinical and Translational Science

Hani Ghandour


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hani Ghandour

What company does Hani Ghandour work for?
Hani Ghandour works for Center for Clinical and Translational Science as Resident
What is Hani Ghandour’s role in Center for Clinical and Translational Science?
Hani Ghandour’s role in Center for Clinical and Translational Science is Resident
What is Hani Ghandour’s email address?
Hani Ghandour’s email address is h***@aah.org
What is Hani Ghandour’s business email address?
Hani Ghandour’s business email address is h***@aah.org
What is Hani Ghandour’s direct phone number?
Hani Ghandour’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hani Ghandour’s work phone number?
Hani Ghandour’s headquarters phone number is (312) 413-7316
What is Hani Ghandour’s latest job experience?
Hani Ghandour’s latest job experience is Resident Yr at Advocate Health Care
Which industry does Hani Ghandour work in?
Hani Ghandour works in the industry of Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare.
Who are Hani Ghandour’s peers at other companies?
Hani Ghandour’s peers at other companies are Shahid Mahmood, Samya Khayat, Jennifer Md, Shoeib Shoukry, Anupam Gogoi.
Who are Hani Ghandour’s colleagues?
Some of Hani Ghandour’s colleagues are Pam Dansie, Carrie Byington, Elizabeth Hawes, Robert Brown.
How can I contact Hani Ghandour?
Hani Ghandour contact details: Email address: h***@aah.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hani Ghandour?

Hani Ghandour is a Resident at Center for Clinical and Translational Science based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Hani was a Resident Yr at Advocate Health Care and also held positions at University of Illinois, Metropolitan Group Hospitals Residency in General Surgery....

Where is Hani Ghandour based?
Hani Ghandour works for Center for Clinical and Translational Science, located at United States