
Hana Wilson

Fundraising Manager at WildTrack

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About Hana Wilson

Hana Wilson is a Fundraising Manager at WildTrack based in Durham, North Carolina.Explore more

Hana Wilson Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

WildTrack is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to non-invasive wildlife monitoring using a unique combination of FIT Technology, artificial intelligence, and traditional ecological knowledge. Their award-winning technology allows for the identification of species, individuals, foot, sex, and age from footprints, making a significant difference in wildlife conservation efforts globally. With over 35 active field projects, 41 species algorithms developed, and partnerships with 15 universities, WildTrack's mission is to protect endangered species and biodiversity for future generations through innovative conservation methods.

Org Chart - WildTrack


Fundraising Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hana Wilson

What company does Hana Wilson work for?
Hana Wilson works for WildTrack as Fundraising Manager
What is Hana Wilson’s role in WildTrack?
Hana Wilson’s role in WildTrack is Fundraising Manager
What is Hana Wilson’s email address?
Hana Wilson’s email address is h***@wildtrack.org
What is Hana Wilson’s business email address?
Hana Wilson’s business email address is h***@wildtrack.org
What is Hana Wilson’s direct phone number?
Hana Wilson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hana Wilson’s work phone number?
Hana Wilson’s headquarters phone number is (919) 908-6893
Which industry does Hana Wilson work in?
Hana Wilson works in the industry of Publishing, Media & Internet.
Who are Hana Wilson’s peers at other companies?
Hana Wilson’s peers at other companies are Trevor Efia, Renee Hampson, Ben Manassah, Michael Bersenev, Arantxa Vivanco.
Who are Hana Wilson’s colleagues?
Some of Hana Wilson’s colleagues are Ammaresh Venkataramappa, Noah DSouza, Nick Scialli, John Okodua-Oboh.
How can I contact Hana Wilson?
Hana Wilson contact details: Email address: h***@wildtrack.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Hana Wilson?

Hana Wilson is a Fundraising Manager at WildTrack based in Durham, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Hana Wilson based?
Hana Wilson works for WildTrack, located at United States
See more information about Hana Wilson

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