2024-present (10 months)
Hana Moumen Email & Phone number
Hana Moumen Current Workplace
PO Box 1626, Monterey Park, California, 91754, United States
Phone Number
(800) 427-2000
Number of Employees
Hana Moumen Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
9Average duration at a company (years)
1Number of job titles
9About Hana Moumen
Hana Moumen is a Senior Environmental Specialist at SoCalGas based in Monterey Park, California.
Previously, Hana was a Data Consultant at UNICEF and also held positions at University of California, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, National Defense Industrial Association, United Nations, Consulate of France in New York, Chaire UNESCO Santé sexuelle & Droits humains, Ville de Lyon.
Hana Moumen Current Workplace
Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Southern California Gas Co is a company that specializes in natural gas distribution.
Hana Moumen Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Hana Moumen
National Defense Magazine | NDIA's Business & Technology Magazine
By Hana Moumen Hana Moumen is a junior policy fellow at NDIA .
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hana Moumen
Hana Moumen is a Senior Environmental Specialist at SoCalGas based in Monterey Park, California. Previously, Hana was a Data Consultant at UNICEF and also held positions at University of California, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, National Defense Industrial Association, United Nations, Consulate of France in New York, Chair...