Hamzah Nudin

Helper at PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu

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(***) ***-****

Hamzah Nudin Current Workplace


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About Hamzah Nudin

Hamzah Nudin is a Helper at PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu based in Jakarta, Jakarta.Explore more

Hamzah Nudin Current Workplace

PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu

2019-present (6 years)

PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu is a joint venture general insurance company between Samsung Fire & Marine Co., Ltd., Korea and PT Tugu Pratama Indonesia licensed to operate With No. 6/KMK.017/1997 dated on January 3rd 1997 on 3 January 1997 with an authorized capital of Rp 30,000,000,000 and a paid in capital of Rp 15,000,000,000. The Company is fully geared Indonesian insurance market with a comprehensive range of insurance products and services. Due to our ventures with both local and foreign reinsurance companies, we are capable to provide cover for high-risk and high-stake. The high professionalism of its staff enables the company to provide the best protection service and speedy claims service for its clients. PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu is supervised and managed by a team of well experienced and highly motivated insurance expert.

Org Chart - PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hamzah Nudin

What company does Hamzah Nudin work for?
Hamzah Nudin works for PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu as Helper
What is Hamzah Nudin’s role in PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu?
Hamzah Nudin’s role in PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu is Helper
What is Hamzah Nudin’s direct phone number?
Hamzah Nudin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hamzah Nudin’s work phone number?
Hamzah Nudin’s headquarters phone number is +62 2129950010
Which industry does Hamzah Nudin work in?
Hamzah Nudin works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Hamzah Nudin’s peers at other companies?
Hamzah Nudin’s peers at other companies are Chris Bartolotta, Akhil Mishra, Sukhwinder Kaur, Chad Lane, Jay Lama.
Who are Hamzah Nudin’s colleagues?
Some of Hamzah Nudin’s colleagues are Ardi Aji, Ratna Herdayanti, Susanto Aaaik, Wie Jieleeng.
Who is Hamzah Nudin?

Hamzah Nudin is a Helper at PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu based in Jakarta, Jakarta.... Read More

Where is Hamzah Nudin based?
Hamzah Nudin works for PT Asuransi Samsung Tugu, located at Indonesia
See more information about Hamzah Nudin

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