Hamza Laghbabi

Technicien Maintenance at Aramys Group

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Hamza Laghbabi Work Experience Summary

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About Hamza Laghbabi

Hamza Laghbabi is a Technicien Maintenance at Aramys Group based in Tunis, Tunis. Previously, Hamza was a Technicien Maintenance at VERNICOLOR Group.Explore more

Hamza Laghbabi Current Workplace

Aramys Group

2024-present (4 months)

Established in 1979 by Mr Abdelhamid Gherab, ARAMYS Group focused its activities around textiles manufacturing for export and local distribution. The group's has built its distinctive on a full vertically integrated know how; starting from knitting to finished goods, going through all the processes of spinning, manufacturing, washing and finishing. The group activities have been enlarged with investments in different other sectors including FF&E, housing furniture, agriculture. Aramys has a dedicated export for many well-known European brands such as :Burberry, Gerard Darel, Trussardî, The Kooples, Armani, LACOSTE, RPLAY, REIKO....... with a yearly production of almost 500000 units ARAMYS has also a local distribution brands BLUE ISLAND,SASIO,MODECO and STANLIVER . ARAMYS own 5 different manufacturing units located in Tunis (center of Tunisia), Sfax and Gboullat which represent 25000 m2 of production space that are highly equipped with machînery and the latest innovative technologies.See more

Hamza Laghbabi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Technicien Maintenance




Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz (STEG)


Org Chart - Aramys Group


Technicien Maintenance




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hamza Laghbabi

What company does Hamza Laghbabi work for?
Hamza Laghbabi works for Aramys Group as Technicien Maintenance
What is Hamza Laghbabi’s role in Aramys Group?
Hamza Laghbabi’s role in Aramys Group is Technicien Maintenance
What is Hamza Laghbabi’s direct phone number?
Hamza Laghbabi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Hamza Laghbabi’s work phone number?
Hamza Laghbabi’s headquarters phone number is +216 71928000
What is Hamza Laghbabi’s latest job experience?
Hamza Laghbabi’s latest job experience is Technicien Maintenance at VERNICOLOR Group
Which industry does Hamza Laghbabi work in?
Hamza Laghbabi works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Hamza Laghbabi’s peers at other companies?
Hamza Laghbabi’s peers at other companies are Zakaria Tanane, Alizèta Kologo, Abdellah Elfadli, Loukou Carmel, Yacine Chekaik.
Who are Hamza Laghbabi’s colleagues?
Some of Hamza Laghbabi’s colleagues are Imen Khiari, Oussama Yacoubi, Nour Dridi, Khaled Mzid.
Who is Hamza Laghbabi?

Hamza Laghbabi is a Technicien Maintenance at Aramys Group based in Tunis, Tunis. Previously, Hamza was a Technicien Maintenance at VERNICOLOR Group.... Read More

Where is Hamza Laghbabi based?
Hamza Laghbabi works for Aramys Group, located at Tunisia
See more information about Hamza Laghbabi

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