
Hafeefa Hamza

Director, General Manager at Magus Consultancy

Hafeefa Hamza Email & Phone number

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+971 * *** ****

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About Hafeefa Hamza

Hafeefa Hamza is a Director, General Manager at Magus Consultancy based in Suffolk, Virginia.Explore more

Hafeefa Hamza Current Workplace

Magus Consultancy

2022-present (3 years)

Magus Consultancy Magus Consulting DMCC offers expert financial advice to help clients make sense of their financial systems and provide effective solutions for businesses to thrive. With a founding partner since 1997, the company is dedicated to building and maintaining strong relationships while gaining new ones to foster trust and confidence. Located at 204 - BB12 Bay Square Business Bay P.O.Box 34724 Dubai, U.A.E., Magus Consultancy serves clients looking for financial guidance and solutions.

Org Chart - Magus Consultancy

Director, General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hafeefa Hamza

What company does Hafeefa Hamza work for?
Hafeefa Hamza works for Magus Consultancy as Director, General Manager
What is Hafeefa Hamza’s role in Magus Consultancy?
Hafeefa Hamza’s role in Magus Consultancy is Director, General Manager
What is Hafeefa Hamza’s email address?
Hafeefa Hamza’s email address is h***@magus-me.com
What is Hafeefa Hamza’s business email address?
Hafeefa Hamza’s business email address is h***@magus-me.com
What is Hafeefa Hamza’s direct phone number?
Hafeefa Hamza’s direct phone number is +971 * *** ****
What is Hafeefa Hamza’s work phone number?
Hafeefa Hamza’s headquarters phone number is +971 45873344
Which industry does Hafeefa Hamza work in?
Hafeefa Hamza works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Hafeefa Hamza’s peers at other companies?
Hafeefa Hamza’s peers at other companies are Taro Yasuda, Brian Eilert, Jeff Parkinson.
Who are Hafeefa Hamza’s colleagues?
Some of Hafeefa Hamza’s colleagues are Joanne Nogoy, Maryann Gomes.
How can I contact Hafeefa Hamza?
Hafeefa Hamza contact details: Email address: h***@magus-me.com Phone number: +971 * *** ****
Who is Hafeefa Hamza?

Hafeefa Hamza is a Director, General Manager at Magus Consultancy based in Suffolk, Virginia.... Read More

Where is Hafeefa Hamza based?
Hafeefa Hamza works for Magus Consultancy, located at United States
See more information about Hafeefa Hamza

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