
Gretchen O'Gorman

Landman at Coates Energy

Gretchen O'Gorman Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Gretchen O'Gorman Work Experience Summary

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About Gretchen O'Gorman

Gretchen O'Gorman is a Landman at Coates Energy based in San Antonio, Texas. Previously, Gretchen was a Landman at Abraxas Petroleum and also held positions at Patron Energy.Explore more

Gretchen O'Gorman Current Workplace

Coates Energy

2018-present (7 years)

Coates Energy is a family-owned company focused on the management of various oil and gas interests devised from founder, George Hunter Coates. Today, Coates Energy owns mineral, royalty and leasehold interests in lands located across 9 states click here for Property Listing. In Texas, where a large majority of the acreage is situated, Coates Energy owns interests in approximately 620 properties in 72 counties, covering over 270,000 acres. In addition to Coates Energy's continuation of George Coates' legacy in the oil and gas industry, the Coates family has also inherited Mr. Coates' generous spirit. Throughout their life, George, and his wife, Elizabeth, contributed substantial amounts of time as well as resources to numerous charitable organizations, becoming two of San Antonio's most prominent philanthropists. Many of his descendants have not only contributed substantially to various charities, but some have also set up their own separate foundations with the purpose of providing conSee more

Gretchen O'Gorman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Abraxas Petroleum



Patron Energy


Org Chart - Coates Energy






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gretchen O'Gorman

What company does Gretchen O'Gorman work for?
Gretchen O'Gorman works for Coates Energy as Landman
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s role in Coates Energy?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s role in Coates Energy is Landman
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s email address?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s email address is g***@coatesenergy.com
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s business email address?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s business email address is g***@coatesenergy.com
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s direct phone number?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s work phone number?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s headquarters phone number is (210) 820-0113
What is Gretchen O'Gorman’s latest job experience?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s latest job experience is Landman at Abraxas Petroleum
Which industry does Gretchen O'Gorman work in?
Gretchen O'Gorman works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Gretchen O'Gorman’s peers at other companies?
Gretchen O'Gorman’s peers at other companies are Chase Henderson, Charles Brackett, Loren Roper, Hugh Elmore, Mackenzie Thompson.
Who are Gretchen O'Gorman’s colleagues?
Some of Gretchen O'Gorman’s colleagues are Tyler Turlington, Sherrie Green, Rosemary Bigley, Colette Albers.
How can I contact Gretchen O'Gorman?
Gretchen O'Gorman contact details: Email address: g***@coatesenergy.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gretchen O'Gorman?

Gretchen O'Gorman is a Landman at Coates Energy based in San Antonio, Texas. Previously, Gretchen was a Landman at Abraxas Petroleum and also held positions at Patron Energy.... Read More

Where is Gretchen O'Gorman based?
Gretchen O'Gorman works for Coates Energy, located at United States
See more information about Gretchen O'Gorman

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