2013-present (12 years)
Gretchen Materna Email & Phone number
Gretchen Materna Current Workplace
1201 3rd Ave Ste 4900, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States
Phone Number
(206) 359-8000
Number of Employees
Gretchen Materna Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
6About Gretchen Materna
Gretchen Materna is a Director, Marketing at Perkins Coie based in Seattle, Washington.
Previously, Gretchen was a Co-Chair Young Members Group at LMA Midwest and also held positions at Perkins Coie, Blakes, Goldberg Kohn, Michael Best & Friedrich.
Gretchen Materna Current Workplace
Perkins Coie
Perkins Coie LLP, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, is a law firm that provides a wide range of services that includes corporate, commercial litigation, property, and regulatory legal advice.
Gretchen Materna Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gretchen Materna
Gretchen Materna is a Director, Marketing at Perkins Coie based in Seattle, Washington. Previously, Gretchen was a Co-Chair Young Members Group at LMA Midwest and also held positions at Perkins Coie, Blakes, Goldberg Kohn, Michael Best & Friedrich....