
Gretchen Materna

Director, Marketing at Perkins Coie

Gretchen Materna Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Gretchen Materna Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Gretchen Materna Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Gretchen Materna

Gretchen Materna is a Director, Marketing at Perkins Coie based in Seattle, Washington. Previously, Gretchen was a Co-Chair Young Members Group at LMA Midwest and also held positions at Perkins Coie, Blakes, Goldberg Kohn, Michael Best & Friedrich.

Gretchen Materna Current Workplace

Perkins Coie

2013-present (12 years)

Perkins Coie LLP, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, is a law firm that provides a wide range of services that includes corporate, commercial litigation, property, and regulatory legal advice.

Gretchen Materna Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Marketing

Perkins Coie


Manager, Client Relations

Perkins Coie


Manager, US Marketing



Manager, Marketing

Goldberg Kohn


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Co-Chair Young Members Group

LMA Midwest


Org Chart - Perkins Coie

Gretchen Materna

Director, Marketing

Recent News About Gretchen Materna

Web References
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gretchen Materna

What company does Gretchen Materna work for?
Gretchen Materna works for Perkins Coie as Director, Marketing
What is Gretchen Materna’s role in Perkins Coie?
Gretchen Materna’s role in Perkins Coie is Director, Marketing
What is Gretchen Materna’s email address?
Gretchen Materna’s email address is g***@perkinscoie.com
What is Gretchen Materna’s business email address?
Gretchen Materna’s business email address is g***@perkinscoie.com
What is Gretchen Materna’s direct phone number?
Gretchen Materna’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Gretchen Materna’s work phone number?
Gretchen Materna’s headquarters phone number is (206) 359-8000
What is Gretchen Materna’s latest job experience?
Gretchen Materna’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Marketing at Perkins Coie
Which industry does Gretchen Materna work in?
Gretchen Materna works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Gretchen Materna’s peers at other companies?
Gretchen Materna’s peers at other companies are Michele Miller, Claudia Lechtman, Maria Hayashi, Rachel Fitch, Melinda Jeffress.
Who are Gretchen Materna’s colleagues?
Some of Gretchen Materna’s colleagues are Stephanie Vancil, Alisha Ibrahim, Dean Harvey, Lawrence Krevor.
How can I contact Gretchen Materna?
Gretchen Materna contact details: Email address: g***@perkinscoie.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Gretchen Materna?

Gretchen Materna is a Director, Marketing at Perkins Coie based in Seattle, Washington. Previously, Gretchen was a Co-Chair Young Members Group at LMA Midwest and also held positions at Perkins Coie, Blakes, Goldberg Kohn, Michael Best & Friedrich....

Where is Gretchen Materna based?
Gretchen Materna works for Perkins Coie, located at United States