Gregg Hillman

Research Analyst at First Wilshire Securities Management

Gregg Hillman Email & Phone number


(626) ***-****

Gregg Hillman Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Gregg Hillman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Gregg Hillman

Gregg Hillman is a Research Analyst at First Wilshire Securities Management based in Pasadena, California. Gregg received a bachelor of Arts degree degree from University of Rochester and a MBA from University of Pittsburgh.

Gregg Hillman Current Workplace

Founded in 1977, First Wilshire Securities Management specializes in serving high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors through a value investing philosophy. The firm focuses on identifying small-cap companies with strong growth prospects at attractive prices. First Wilshire is committed to delivering personalized client service and maintaining long-term relationships while providing access to experienced portfolio managers. With an emphasis on in-depth research, the company aims to achieve above-market returns for its clients.

Gregg Hillman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



bachelor of Arts degree

University of Rochester


University of Pittsburgh

Org Chart - First Wilshire Securities Management

Gregg Hillman

Research Analyst

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gregg Hillman

What company does Gregg Hillman work for?
Gregg Hillman works for First Wilshire Securities Management as Research Analyst
What is Gregg Hillman’s role in First Wilshire Securities Management?
Gregg Hillman’s role in First Wilshire Securities Management is Research Analyst
What is Gregg Hillman’s email address?
Gregg Hillman’s email address is g***
What is Gregg Hillman’s business email address?
Gregg Hillman’s business email address is g***
What is Gregg Hillman’s direct phone number?
Gregg Hillman’s direct phone number is (626) ***-****
What is Gregg Hillman’s work phone number?
Gregg Hillman’s headquarters phone number is (626) 796-6622
What is Gregg Hillman’s latest education?
Gregg Hillman’s latest education in bachelor of Arts degree at University of Rochester
Which industry does Gregg Hillman work in?
Gregg Hillman works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Gregg Hillman’s peers at other companies?
Gregg Hillman’s peers at other companies are Lisa Wondoloski, Ovais Bilgrami, Vanna Flahn, Peter Baldino, Lynne Holcomb.
Who are Gregg Hillman’s colleagues?
Some of Gregg Hillman’s colleagues are Scott Hood, Bill Caton, Howard Lu, Esther Johnson.
How can I contact Gregg Hillman?
Gregg Hillman contact details: Email address: g*** Phone number: (626) ***-****
Who is Gregg Hillman?

Gregg Hillman is a Research Analyst at First Wilshire Securities Management based in Pasadena, California. Gregg received a bachelor of Arts degree degree from University of Rochester and a MBA from University of Pittsburgh....

Where is Gregg Hillman based?
Gregg Hillman works for First Wilshire Securities Management, located at United States