
Greg Kemp

Sales Manager at University Paton Instruments

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(***) ***-****

Greg Kemp Current Workplace



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Greg Kemp Work Experience Summary

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About Greg Kemp

Mr Kemp has been with University Paton since 2017, has a passion for team development, mentoring and coaching, and is well experienced in strategic planning and development, as well as implementing new initiatives and change across organisations. Mr Kemp was educated at Melbourne’s La Trobe University, completing a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management. He has subsequently gained his diploma of Leadership and Management. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Managers & Leaders and a member of the Australian Marketing Institute. He is tasked with creating and maintaining our customer relationships as well as focusing on business development, training sales staff and ensuring sales targets are met.Explore more

Greg Kemp Current Workplace

University Paton Instruments

2017-present (8 years)

Precision, reliability and quality: They are all hallmarks of exceptional electrical and process instrumentation, from University Paton Instruments. Working across a wide range of industries, including power, process, energy management and building automation, we design, manufacture and distribute a huge range of products. These include fault recorders, alarm annunciators, transducers, transmitters, digital meters and power quality meters, as well as monitoring relays, current transformers, shunts and analogue meters. Established in 1938, and still Australian owned and family operated, we boast a long-held reputation for high quality instruments. Our team are dedicated to providing what you need at a fair price, backed up by excellent service. University Paton Instruments is an Australian manufacturer and distributor with a unique ability to understand the inner workings of electrical measurements and engineering sensors, transducers, and other devices that achieve the highest level ofSee more

Greg Kemp Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management

La Trobe University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - University Paton Instruments


Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Greg Kemp

What company does Greg Kemp work for?
Greg Kemp works for University Paton Instruments as Sales Manager
What is Greg Kemp’s role in University Paton Instruments?
Greg Kemp’s role in University Paton Instruments is Sales Manager
What is Greg Kemp’s email address?
Greg Kemp’s email address is g***@universitypaton.com.au
What is Greg Kemp’s business email address?
Greg Kemp’s business email address is g***@universitypaton.com.au
What is Greg Kemp’s direct phone number?
Greg Kemp’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Greg Kemp’s work phone number?
Greg Kemp’s headquarters phone number is +61 1300856006
What is Greg Kemp’s latest education?
Greg Kemp’s latest education in Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management at La Trobe University
Which industry does Greg Kemp work in?
Greg Kemp works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Greg Kemp’s peers at other companies?
Greg Kemp’s peers at other companies are Rodney Zachary, Amit Gitli, Tena Stewart, John Balkus, Adebayo Hammed.
Who are Greg Kemp’s colleagues?
Some of Greg Kemp’s colleagues are Inga Morgenthal.
How can I contact Greg Kemp?
Greg Kemp contact details: Email address: g***@universitypaton.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Greg Kemp?

Mr Kemp has been with University Paton since 2017, has a passion for team development, mentoring and coaching, and is well experienced in strategic planning and development, as well as implementing new initiatives and change across organisations. Mr Kemp was educated at Melbourne’s La Trobe University, completing a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing... and Management. He has subsequently gained his diploma of Leadership and Management. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Managers & Leaders and a member of the Australian Marketing Institute. He is tasked with creating and maintaining our customer relationships as well as focusing on business development, training sales staff and ensuring sales targets are met.Read More

Where is Greg Kemp based?
Greg Kemp works for University Paton Instruments, located at Australia
See more information about Greg Kemp

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