Greg Freeze

Water Distribution Foreman at City of Auburn

Greg Freeze Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Greg Freeze Current Workplace



Number of Employees


About Greg Freeze

Greg Freeze is a Water Distribution Foreman at City of Auburn based in Auburn, Indiana.

Greg Freeze Current Workplace

City of Auburn

2024-present (1 year)

Auburn has a rich history of progressfrom the time our founders established the city at the cusp of two major trails...to our role in launching the automobile industry in the early 1900s...to today, with the creation of a community-owned, high-speed communications fiber network that provides advanced video, voice and Internet services and enhanced utility operations. These types of advancements, though, are only possible with collaboration. Our partnerships with residents and business leaders have been instrumental in helping us create a healthy and growing community each of us is proud to call home. Progress. Every step of the way. Yesterday...today...and tomorrow as we continue to seek out opportunities to further the business, education, community and economic development of our city.

Org Chart - City of Auburn

Greg Freeze

Water Distribution Foreman

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Greg Freeze

What company does Greg Freeze work for?
Greg Freeze works for City of Auburn as Water Distribution Foreman
What is Greg Freeze’s role in City of Auburn?
Greg Freeze’s role in City of Auburn is Water Distribution Foreman
What is Greg Freeze’s email address?
Greg Freeze’s email address is g***@ci.auburn.in.us
What is Greg Freeze’s business email address?
Greg Freeze’s business email address is g***@ci.auburn.in.us
What is Greg Freeze’s direct phone number?
Greg Freeze’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Greg Freeze’s work phone number?
Greg Freeze’s headquarters phone number is (260) 925-5430
Which industry does Greg Freeze work in?
Greg Freeze works in the industry of Government.
Who are Greg Freeze’s peers at other companies?
Greg Freeze’s peers at other companies are Eric Petersen, David Krotz, Brian Okuley, Robert Blackburn, Matthew Sweeney.
Who are Greg Freeze’s colleagues?
Some of Greg Freeze’s colleagues are Tyler Klocko, James Cadoret, Justin Fry, Scott Near.
How can I contact Greg Freeze?
Greg Freeze contact details: Email address: g***@ci.auburn.in.us Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Greg Freeze?

Greg Freeze is a Water Distribution Foreman at City of Auburn based in Auburn, Indiana....

Where is Greg Freeze based?
Greg Freeze works for City of Auburn, located at United States